World’s Leading Provider of Turn-key Compute Solutions for NGS / Bioinformatics
Founded in 1989 Over 1000 PowerWulf Clusters Delivered World Wide 350+ PowerWulf Clusters Dedicated Compute Appliances for NGS / Bioinformatics Mission Statement Tier 1 Manufacturing & Support at Commodity Price Custom Configured Products Include Turn key PowerWulf Compute Clusters RaidStation Storage Solutions High Performance Workstations & Servers
Selected by Roche / 454 and CLCbio as OEM Hardware Provider Over 60% of ALL WORLDWIDE data off GS FLX Titanium Platform is analyzed on PSSC Labs Platform Roche’s Success in this space linked directly to PSSC Labs PowerWulf Cluster solution CLCbio is a leader in genomics software solutions Certified our PowerWulf Clusters and Servers Compatible with Life Technologies’ Bioscope & Illumina’s Casava Applications Pacific Biosciences considering PSSC Labs as OEM Hardware Provider Recent LARGE Cluster Wins Western Kentucky University – Cores PSSC Labs Selected after evaluation of Dell, HP, IBM – Cores PSSC Labs Selected after evaluation of Dell, HP, IBM MIT / Harvard / HHMI Neuroimaging Center Largest GPU Cluster at MIT Revolutionary POWERSERVE DUO TI2000 Perfect Cluster Building Block Tool-Free Design Power Saving Eco Friendly Features World Wide Support & Maintenance
Partnerships w/ leading Sequencing Platform Providers Roche / 454 OEM Provider of GS FLX Titanium Cluster ( Life Technologies Certified Cluster Solutions w/ Bioscope Preconfigured Illumina Certified Cluster / Server Solutions w/ Casava Preconfigured Pacific Biosciences Potential OEM Proider of off line cluster for new RS platform Ion Torrent Certified Workstation w/ Ion Torrent Software CLC Bio Selected as OEM Hardware Provider of Genomics Machine / Factory
Delivery Fully Functional / Turn Key Systems Biologist are typically not system administrators. Just need a system that works out of the box. Superior Knowledge & Support You will have direct communication with the PSSC Labs Cluster Engineer that built, tested and configured the system with your applications. Our Remote Assist support provides greater more responsive support than any other vendor We Understand Your Business Seqwright needs a knowledgeable cost effective hardware provider that ensures they deliver their customer results on time, every time. Our systems are considered the industry’s most reliable with a failure rate >0.01%. This is a direct result of our superior testing procedure
PSSC Labs Runs Benchmarks Provided by Application to Certify Systems Typical benchmarks include small and large data sets for all pipeline steps (mapping, assembly, alignment) Example WT Run is one of three stress tests we run to certify our clusters for Bioscope Results: DURATION= 6 hours 36 minutes 44 secs Configuration: 8 Core (2.67 Ghz) / 48GB Memory)
Information obtained from end users Illumina / Casava UCI Irvine We are sequencing Drosophila (fruity fly) samples. The genome is approximately 1.2 x 10 8 base pairs. One lane of paired-end, 75bp data from an Illumina GA2 machine gives about 25X coverage of a genome. Roughly 35 million pairs of reads per lane or 2* 75 *35e6 = 5.25e10 base pairs of data. We sequence 3 lanes per sample. Pipeline involves a lot of custom software to do our analyses, and we can entirely process a single sample in about 12 hours. This is much more than simply doing the alignments System Configuration PowerServe Duo T2400 (Single SMP System) 8 Processor Cores / 2.4 Ghz 128 GB System Memory 40 TB USABLE High Speed Storage Space
Information obtained from end users Illumina / Casava St. Radbound University “Mapping one exome sample to the human reference takes about 8.5 hours using Bioscope 1.3” System Configuration PowerWulf Cluster 64 Processor Cores / 2.53 Ghz / 8 Cores Per Node 4 GB Memory Per Core
CLC Bio Genomics Factory Comparison PSSC Labs is OEM Provider of Genomics Factory 156 Cores (12 cores per node / 2.53 Ghz) 4 GB of Memory Per Core Stated Performance on Website Mapping, whole human genome, 15x coverage: 32 Full Human Genomes Per Week (2 x 100 basepair Illumina GA – data Whole human transcirptome analysis (RNA-seq): 600 Samples per week (130 million 50bp SOLiD reads