Assessing Classroom Learning
OOPS – Bluebook Assessment Strategy #1 Group Presentation on Instruction Classroom Assessment Traditional Assessment Student Assessment Designing a Grading System
Classroom Assessment Measurement – includes all the information teachers gather as part of the assessment process Evaluation – the process of making decisions on the basis of the measurements. Validity – does it measure what it is supposed to measure? Reliability – is it consistent?
Traditional Assessment Kinds of Traditional Test Items –True/False –Fill in the Blank –Matching –Multiple Choice –Short Answer –Essay Valid Test Items Commercially Prepared Test Items
Student Assessment Formative Evaluation - before or during instruction - monitors student growth - feedback to students Summative Evaluation - after instruction - monitors student growth - used for grading
Designing a Grading System Tests and Quizzes Alternative Assessments (projects, presentations) Worksheets/Homework System Development (checks, points, letter grades, percentages) –Weight of components –Grade Book Activity –Electronic Grading Software (Grade Pro)
Assessing Classroom Learning Bluebook Assessment Strategy #1 Classroom Assessment Traditional Assessment Student Assessment Designing a Grading System For Tuesday: Finish reading Chapter 2