Jack Ou, Ph.D. CES522 Engineering Science Sonoma State University Verilog Tutorial 3 Jack Ou, Ph.D. CES522 Engineering Science Sonoma State University
Outline Motivation Blocking Assignments Non-Blocking Assignments
Shift Register Using Blocking Assignments
Test Bench for the Shift Register Clock cycle: 10 intervals Input (E) changes state Every 40 intervals
Output E is updated every 40 cycles A is updated 30 intervals after E
A=Delayed E
Reverse Update Algorithm
= The assignment operator (=) causes statements to be executed in the listed order, with the storing of value occurring immediately after any statement can executed and before the next statement. Order matter!!! = is used with blocked statements.
<= Nonblocking assignments are made with the nonblocking assignment operator (<=)instead of the assignment operator. Nonblocking assignment statements effectively execute concurrently ( in parallel) rather than sequentially, so the order in which they are listed has no effect.
Shift Register using <=