Psychodynamic Theory A theory by neo-Freudians Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, and Karen Horney that emphasizes the idea that the unconscious aspect of our minds has a powerful influence in our lives. It points out that we often face inner conflicts regarding our wishes, values, and other aspects. This theory also states that our childhood shapes our personalities and attachment styles in the future. Furthermore, social influences are more important than sexual tensions. (Myers, p )
Neo-Freudians They accepted Freud’s concepts of id, ego, and superego; the importance of the unconscious; the shaping of one’s personality in childhood; and the dynamics of anxiety and the defense mechanisms. However, they disagreed by placing more emphasis on the conscious mind’s role in interpreting experience and in coping with the environment and they doubted that sex and aggression were all- consuming motivations. (Myers)
Karen Horney Alfred Adler Carl Jung Neo-Freudians jpg /08/carl_jung-glasses.jpg /alfred-adler-1-sized.jpg
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Rorschach ink blot test
Other Key Terms Basic anxiety: A child’s fear of helplessness and abandonment Many try to cope with their basic anxieties by intensifying passions, pride, and aggression, but at times this just leads to more anxiousness and discomfort. Inferiority Complex: A persistent sense of inadequacy or a tendency to self-diminishment, sometimes resulting in excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation
Other Key Terms Social Interest: Adler's concept of us having an interest in the well being of others. This is the thought that if we work together we will be able to help the society that we live in and have a positive outlook on life. Collective Unconscious: A concept by Carl Jung which says that we all have shared images in our minds based on memories of our ancestors For example, cultural myths are formed because of what we think we know about our ancestors
Criticisms of Psychoanalysis Poor testability Inadequate evidence Sexism Sigmund Freud loc.jpg/ /Sigmund_Freud-loc.jpg
Bibliography Alfred Adler’s “Individual Psychology”. Sonoma State University. Retrieved March 15, 2010 from Beystehner, Kristen M. (1998, August). Psychoanalysis: Freud's Revolutionary Approach to Human Personality. Retrieved March 15, 2010 from individual psychology. (2010). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved March 13, 2010, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition: inferiority complex. (2010). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved March 13, 2010, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition: Karen Horney. Webster University. Retrieved March 15, 2010, from McManus, B. F. (1999, February). ANIMA/ANIMUS: the archetype of contrasexuality. Retrieved March 14, 2010, from
Bibliography continued… Myers, David G. (2007). Psychology (8th ed.) (pp ). New York, NY: Worth Publishers. Spurgin, Tim (1997, October 3). Psychoanalytic Criticism. Lawrence University. Retrieved March 15, 2010 from Trungpa, Chogyam (2009, April 3). Basic Anxiety is Happening All the Time. Shambhala Times. Retrieved March 15, 2010, from anxiety-is-happening-all-the-time-by-chogyam-trungpa/