Software Security Lecture 8 Fang Yu Dept. of MIS, National Chengchi University Spring 2011
Announcement This afternoon, we have an invited speaker, Michal, for Apple iOS development. Room 313, 1:00-4:00pm Michal will give us another lecture here on May 24, 10:00-12:00am. Your project proposal (two pages) is due on next week. Bring a hard copy to the class.
Outline Today, we will have Vincent presenting Exploring Information Disclosure (Chapter 14), Alex presenting Attacking Compiled Applications (Chapter 15) We will also have Jorina lead the discussion on the paper: FLAX: Systematic Discovery of Client-side Validation Vulnerabilities in Rich Web Applications, NDSS 2010 (UC Berkely). You can find the slides link here. s/FLAX-ppt.ppt
Next Week We will have Ruei-Chen presenting: Attacking Application Architecture (Chapter 16), I-Yang presenting: Attacking the Web Server (Chapter 17) We will also have Ruei-Jiun lead the discussion on the paper: A Symbolic Execution Framework for JavaScript. (WebBlaze project, UC Berkely). You can find the slides here: s/kudzu.ppt