Michelle Toth Instruction Librarian & LIB Course Coordinator Feinberg Library SUNY Plattsburgh
The changing face of Information Literacy Do you have an app for that?
Information literacy What users need to know Intellectual Property, especially copyright Evaluation of information sources Privacy and security of their information
Of course I can use it, its free on the web. roger.svg.png Copy and Paste Citations Fair Use Downloading
Of course it is good information. All opinions are equal aren’t they? 22/prosper-and-lending-club-advice- for-new-lenders/ “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” - Daniel Patrick Moynihan
How did you know that today is my birthday? Privacy settings What to share, and not GPS
My challenge to you - Think about how you inform and educate your users in these three areas: ▫Intellectual property ▫Evaluation of information ▫Privacy of information Come up with at least one new idea to help your users understand some aspect of these concepts.
Information Literacy Challenges Librarians Face Keeping up with technology Multiple formats/access points/tools
What do you mean I have to upgrade again? 23_cashstrapped_philly_bloggers_must_pay_for_business_li cense.html Library Tech Web 2.0 Mobile Devices Communication
Do you want to start with the Catalog, WorldCat, Google Books or Amazon? t07/NoMoreCards.ws.html Catalog vs. Google Books E-Collections E-Readers
Some things stay the same It still comes down to being a critical thinker and critical user of information.
My Challenge to you - Take a colleague for lunch/coffee and have a conversation about an information literacy topic. Or Find and learn one new technology that will contribute to your information literacy instructional efforts.
Thank you for your time today. Any questions or comments?