Mary Jacob, E-learning Advisor, Aberystwyth University
Engaging learning activities within Bb Active learning Formative feedback Campus Pack could do this.
Campus Pack ▸ Building blocks for Blackboard ▸ Podcasting ▸ Wikis ▸ Blogs Gwella ▸ HEA and HEFCW initiative for technology-enhanced learning in Wales ▸ Purchased 2-year Campus Pack licence from June 2008 ▸ Enhanced training and online support
How to make the learning activities work Students
How to facilitate uptake Staff
Website Gwella launch showcase Training courses One-to-one guidance
Guidance provided to students Constructive alignment Motivation
Meet a pedagogical need Easy Technology Concrete examples Pedagogical brainstorming Training Cross-discipline sharing Peer advice Community of practice
Start with pedagogically-sound advice/practice and then get people talking to each other.