MCE 2009 Annual Pre-Conference Nick Place Associate Dean and Associate Director Maryland Cooperative Extension Monday, March 23 Moving Forward in Times of Change
MCE 2009 Annual Pre-Conference Think of a program or some type of work you are passionate about … what do you enjoy doing … what is your area of expertise? Hold on to those thoughts! -- More to come …
Opening thought… “We can’t change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust our sails to always reach our destination.” - Jimmy Dean
MCE Drivers - Focusing on our Results Critical issues Resources Accountability Identity
Moving Forward in Times of Change How does this structure position MCE? Relevancy – Focus on Most critical issues What do we want to be known for… Signature Programs, such as … Have to work smarter!
Moving Forward in Times of Change Resourcing Properly: Investing in people and programs Build upon strategic strengths to address continuing & emerging issues Attract external funding Be great stewards of public resources Value-added people and programs!
Moving Forward in Times of Change Accountability: Agree on statewide impacts & measures Outcomes rather than outputs Report program efforts against these measures Communicate the return on investment to MCE stakeholders Create highly satisfied customers!
Moving Forward in Times of Change Effective Marketing Increase audience awareness & appreciation Enhance customer service Establish a strong MCE brand No longer the “best kept secret!”
MCE Impact Areas Triple Bottom Line! Economy Community Environment Impact Team: FoodSmart Impact Team: Community Leadership & Civic Engagement Impact Team: HealthSmart Impact Team: Natural Res. Conservation & Sustainability Impact Team: Community Resource & Economic Development Impact Team: MoneySmart Impact Team: Energy Conservation & Sustainability Impact Team: Agriculture & Natural Resources Profitability Resilient Communities Healthy Living Environment & Natural Resources Local Food & Agriculture Systems
Impact Areas & Impact Teams … How do you, programs, and existing teams fit into the picture?
Moving Forward in Times of Change What are Impact Teams? Extension Specialists, Educators and Stakeholders Provide overall statewide programmatic leadership with state program leaders Enable state programming to become more dynamic and responsive Ensure focused, outcomes-based programming Proactively seek partnerships and resources
Moving Forward in Times of Change Transition Step 1: Need faculty team co- leaders—one field-based educator; one regional or state specialist Work with Program Leaders to: Facilitate Team process & communication Identify team resource needs Seek funding Develop collaborations Identify “signature” programs Do you see yourself in this role?
Moving Forward in Times of Change Work with Program Leaders to: Facilitate program development and evaluation process Identify team training needs Evaluate team outcomes Identify research needs Do you see yourself in this role?
Moving Forward in Times of Change Why be a Co-Leader? (just to name a few!) Influence program decisions Impact organizational success Develop new skills Engage in professional development Create a career ladder Contribute to your P&T Do you see yourself in this role?
Moving Forward in Times of Change Transition Step 2: Identify team expertise needs & interests/expertise of faculty educators Survey (this week) to identify areas of expertise & where you have passion about Extension work What were those programs or areas you thought of at the start of this session?
Moving Forward in Times of Change Transition Step 3: Embrace Change & Move Those “Mental Boulders” Out of the Way! 1.What about the work we are doing now—our existing teams— such as FSNE or Master Gardeners? 2.What about new initiatives, such as Grow It, Eat It? 1999 Phoenix Open with Tiger Woods
Moving Forward in Times of Change What are these changes all about… Reframing MCE for a viable and sustainable future
Envision Yourself in the Picture Working Collectively, Being More Focused, & Having Greater Impact
Name Change MCE Plan of Organization 4-H Assistant Director AGNR Faculty & Staff Excellence Awards Updates
A principle about change… “Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you avoid at all cost, and that is the risk of doing nothing.” - Denis Waitley
Moving Forward in Times of Change Change can be Stressful & Create Uncertainty Discuss concerns internally with colleagues, administrators Communicate externally to MCE stakeholders with positive, consistent messages (can ask for help in crafting a message, if needed) It is important that we all are invested in a strong future for MCE
Closing thought… “Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable.” - Denis Waitley