Cycling of Matter
What will we learn? Cycling of matter within living systems Example of living system: compost bin
Conservation of Matter Matter of a closed system will remain constant over time Matter is not created or destroyed but transformed into more complex forms
Cycling of Matter Decomposition Decomposition Plants Herbivores Predators Nutrients in the Soil Waste and Death Decomposition
Decomposition Break down of organic matter into simpler forms of matter AB A+B Complex plants break down into the major elements that compose them like carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous and more. C + N + P + …
Composting Break down of Matter
How does the matter break down? Micro-organisms Bacteria Actinomycetes Fungi Protozoa Rotifers Worms
Ingredients for Successful Composting Carbon source (browns) Nitrogen source (greens) Water Oxygen
Composting Cycle Cycle of Matter Replenish Soil Micro-organisms Worms Organic Waste Cycle of Matter Replenish Soil
Composting Cycle The decomposing step within the cycle of matter has its own cycle. This is the cycle of a compost bin