The Four Faces of Agriculture
Food System All the steps it takes to get food from farm to table. These steps include: 1. Production (on the farm) 2. Processing 3. Transportation 4. Storage 5. Marketing 6. Preparation 7. Consumption 8. Disposal
Four Faces of Food Global Industrial Agriculture Organic Agriculture Sustainable Agriculture Permaculture
Industrial Agriculture © Grace Factory Farm Project
Fossil Fuels
Pros and Cons: Industrial Agriculture Pros Environment: Can produce a lot of food Community: Encourages trade with other countries Economy: Offers “cheap”, convenient produce to the consumer Transportation offers more food choices Employs a lot of people in each sector of the system in a range of jobs Cons Environment: Chemicals introduced to soil, water, air, other life Dependent of fossil fuels that cause pollution Depleting fossil fuel reserves Community: Drives local farmers out of business Employs migrant workers will little regard to their health and workers’ rights Economy: Competes with local economies Consumer dollars leave the town/state to big corporations
Organic Agriculture
The Grocery Store Wars
Organic Agriculture Silent Spring, 1962 Organic Foods Production Act, 1990s USDA Organic label, 2002 On-farm inspections once a year by USDA No chemicals for 3 years Farm plan include IPM, crop rotations, cover crops, composting and soil improvements No antibiotics for organic livestock Organic feed for organic livestock Organic seeds and seedlings must be used, unless not commercially available No GMOs Farm records
Pros and Cons: Organic Agriculture Pros Environment: Farming practices don’t use chemicals that impact soil, air, and water. Adds diversity to ecosystem by attracting bees, insects, birds, and animals. Community: Better for your health Economy: Employs a lot of people in each sector of the system in a range of jobs Cons Environment: Dependent of fossil fuels that cause pollution Depleting fossil fuel reserves Community: Drives local farmers out of business Expensive for farmers to become certified Lots of paperwork for busy farmers to remain certified Economy: Competes with local economies Consumer dollars leave the town/state to big corporations Expensive
Sustainable Agriculture
Local food system that incorporates three main goals of environmental stewardship, farm profitability, and prosperous communities. Economy: secure living for farmers; good, affordable food for all Environment: preserves and enhances natural resources— soil, water, air Community: promotes cooperative relationships – CSAs, direct partnerships
Pros and Cons: Sustainable Agriculture Pros Environment: Farming practices don’t use chemicals that impact soil, air, and water. Adds diversity to ecosystem by attracting bees, insects, birds, and animals. Preserves local landscape Community: Better for your health Supports local farmers Works to preserve character of rural communities Enhances character of urban communities Economy: Tries to support local processors, distributors, retailers, thereby supporting local economy Cons Environment: Can’t get food year-round (though eating in season can be considered a pro too, as it puts you in touch with the cycles of the natural world) Community: ? Economy: Expensive
Permanent Agriculture Designing agricultural systems to mimic natural ecosystems Ethics: – Care for the Earth – Care for the People – Sharing the Surplus 10 Design Principles: 1.Relative location 2.Multiple functions 3.Use biological resources 4.(re)cycle energy and nutrients 5.Maximize diversity
Pros and Cons: Permaculture Pros Environment: Farming practices don’t use chemicals that impact soil, air, and water. Adds diversity to ecosystem by attracting bees, insects, birds, and animals. Preserves local landscape Community: Better for your health Works to preserve character of rural communities Enhances character of urban communities Economy: Tries to support local processors, distributors, retailers, thereby supporting local economy Cons Environment: Can’t get food year-round (though eating in season can be considered a pro too, as it puts you in touch with the cycles of the natural world) Community: ? Economy: ?