Tim Quinn 4/21/09
The Use of a Bicycle Speedometer With a speedometer cyclists can know how fast they are going helping to maintain a Constant Speed or pace during their ride. Another use for a speedometer is the ability to keep track and calculate the distance that has been ridden. Or an Odometer
Interest Being a avid cyclist I wanted to apply my interest into my individual project by building something that I can make use of and that would be a fun and interesting project.
Hall Effect Sensor Processor board, LCD driver board 8x2 LCD Display
Wiring Schematic
Transistor The Transistor is being used to separate the power to the devices into, VDD(being powered all the time) and VCC(being turned on by the transistor) this will work as a power saving mode by turning off the parts of the circuit that use the most power, when not being used.
Hall Effect Sensor The hall effect sensor is being powered at 3V by VDD, keeping it on all the time. As the Hall effect detects a magnetic pulse, the signal will work as a switch to turn on VCC through the transistor. Hall Effect is going into PTA5 which is the MTIM port. MTIM in an internal 8 bit counter. I am using the counter to count the number of pulses from the Hall Effect in a given time period to find the frequency.
Board Layout
Code and Calculations Speed = 2π f r Radios of the wheel = 1.148ft Frequency= the number of rotations in a given time period 5280ft in 1 mile 3600seconds in 1 hour
Stop Mode After 30 seconds of no input pulse the code will go to the inactivity_timer. This will turn off PTAD2 to the transistor, turning off everything controlled by VCC and going into stop mode. When the Hall effect detects the MTIM will start counting as well as PTAD2 turning back on.