Review Introduction HL SL May 24 Collect portfolio– folder Hand out diagram Production possibility curve for basic econ problems and factors of production7-12 Circular flow for rationing Demand curve p movement and shift Go back and read good bad equivalent and find ONE thing not in the blue book that could be useful Reading
May 25 Monday micro-Economics Group A 4 Interaction of supply and demand Group B 5 Elasticity's Group C 6 HL Indirect taxes Report Back Match To the Good The bad
May 26 Tuesday FIRM Group A 8 Perfect competition Group B 9 Monopoly
Weds May 27 HL Group A 10 Monopolistic competition Group B 11 Oligopoly Group C 12 Price Discrimination
Portfolio 2 Library Thursday May 28
Portfolio Multi Media
Portfolio Library
HL Test Firm
HL SL Thursday June 4 macro A 13 Market Failure B 14 Measuring National Income C 15 Measuring economic development D 16 Aggregate Demand
HL SL Sunday June 7 A 17 Aggregate supply B 18 Macro economic Equilibrium C 19 Inflation and Deflation D 20 Unemployment
HL SL Monday June 8 Preview test type- DR and Essay Game?
HL Tuesday June 9 STUDY