What ‘Control System’ mean for a Wind Turbine Yawing of nacelle Blade pitch adjustment
Yawing by a closed loop control system What was yawing? Contents of the system – Direction sensor – Motor – Microcontroller & Circuitry
Yawing by a closed loop control system – Direction sensor
Yawing by a closed loop control system – Motor
Yawing by a closed loop control system – Microcontroller & Circuitry PIC 16F877
Blade pitch adjusment by a closed loop control system What was pitch adjustment? Contents of the system – Linear position sensor – Motor – Microcontroller
Blade pitch adjusment by a closed loop control system – Motor
Blade pitch adjusment by a closed loop control system – Linear position sensor
Sensors used in control system Three types of sensors: Angular direction sensor for yawing Linear position sensor for pitch adjustment Angular resolver for speed measuring
Sensors used in control system Angular direction sensor for yawing
Sensors used in control system Linear position sensor for pitch adjustment
Sensors used in control system Angular resolver for speed measuring
Motors to be used Step motor with high torque – High torque High Current DC motor with a gear box – Needs additional device for feedback
Putting all together