SCENARIO You are an up and coming Rap Crew! Today you will have the job of building your Rap Crew, setting your style and setting the stage. Once you have set the stage, you will need to advertise your first RAP BATTLE. Once you have set up your Rap Battle, you will need to rehearse a Rap ready for your final performance.
LESSON 1 – Go to this website and do some research about what Rap Stars like to wear. Use the outline and sketch out what you want your Rap Star to look like. Using Paint.Net make your Rap Star on the computer. You will need to work with your group and make sure that your “CREW” has a similar look.
LESSON 2 During period 5, you will be performing your Rap Performance. To make the record producers and teachers aware of this you will be required to advertise your performance and get a good following from the public. To make people more aware of this you will need to decide in your groups, who will make each advertisement: Posters Tickets Rap ID Cards Newspaper Advertisement Radio Advert
LESSON 3 Now that you have made your advertisements for your Rap Crew you need to SET THE STAGE. Using the template given to you, you must sketch and make your stage. Each of the group members will make a stage and they will need to think about the audience. Will there be neon lights on the stage? You can use pictures from the internet and paste them onto your stage so that you can make them look more effective. Print it off and using the glue you can stick it together.
LESSON 4 Now that you have set the stage, advertised your event, you need to make sure that you have a Rap to perform to the record producers! In your groups, come up with a verse for each of your group members. (Watch your language!) You can rehearse it using Song smith. This is a piece of software from Microsoft. It allows you to sing into it and it puts the music to the song for you.
ITS TIME TO FACE THE MUSIC!!! In your groups, you are going to perform, however using your sheets you must monitor each persons performance. You will judge them out of 5 for their swagger, lyrics and technique. All scores are added up at the end and the winner will receive a prize….
EVALUATION Please fill out the evaluation sheet and tell me if you have enjoyed your day. Please note down some of the skills you have learnt: It could be team work, Using Learning about advertising