Doug Garland Tyler Koczy Bill Swancutt
Company Overview 1957 Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman meet 1971 swoosh is designed by Carolyn Davidson 1980 Nike goes public 1981 Nike international is formed 1985 Air Jordan basketball shoes introduced 1990 first Nike Town opens in Portland OR. Global expansions
Strengths Athletic apparel for every sport Recognized global brand Multiple revenue streams Nike Town Nike outlet Nike employee store Various retail shops Tyler
Nike Town
Nike Employee Store
Nike Specialty Store
Nike Outlet Store
Store Layout The Nike Town layout is good at encompassing the marketing mix. This is achieved by huge photo murals of athletes with the Nike “Just Do It” slogan as part of the brand marketing strategy, easy and fun to shop, because of the unique design, series of pavilions dedicated to specific sports, easily flowing to other areas of the store so customers don’t feel trapped in a maze. The designers of the Chicago Michigan Nike Town Avenue store even managed to increased retail space by adding a fixture and incorporating the street into the marketing space by adding windows to showcase displays.
Weaknesses Susceptible to generic knock-offs Open to world criticism about manufacturing processes (negative image, sweatshops) Doug
Opportunities Nike ID Website Beijing Olympics Branching into non main stream sports (Skate boarding, snow boarding, skiing) X-games Expand Nike Town stores into the international arena Advertising tailored to local markets Nike ID Website
Threats Adidas/Reebok and other sports companies Rising manufacturing costs Changes in political landscape (China)