LOGO Lent begins soon too!!
Announcements Ski trip = Phenomenal Success!!!! Mission Trip/Summer Camp 2010 – Orlando, July 11 th – 17 th – Spots still open – talk to me St. Francis Table – March 6 th Ping Pong Tournament? – Anyone interested? YG t-shirts in progress
Valentine’s Day Fun Beginning soon……. But first let’s talk about Lent
Lent Begins Ash Wednesday – In 3 days – Mass Time?
Lent Why do we give things up for Lent? What should we give up for Lent?
What to give up Sodas Candy
What to give up Celebrity Gossip A TV show you love
What to give up Good parking spaces Facebook
What to give up Showering NOT REALLY!!
If possible…. No meat on Fridays.
What should you give up? Think about it. Anyone want to share?
Lent – things to do Read a book of the Bible Mass on Monday or Wednesday (6pm) Rosary
Lent – things to do Exercise Change the soundtrack to your life. Cut the depressing music. Be early, get up earlier Tithe
Any ideas?
Let’s go pray Grab a journal and pen/pencil 1 st !