INLS 101 Report Diane Kelly and Laura Sheble
Students 30+ at start of semester; 25 at finish Demographics ▫F: 12 | So: 8 | J: 3 | Se: 2 ▫Male: 16 | Female: 9 ▫Caucasian: 18 | African-American: 4 | Asian- American: 2 |Hispanic-American: 1
Topics History of Information Science What is Information? Information Representation and Organization Search and Retrieval Information Seeking Needs and Behaviors User Centered Design and Search User Interfaces Social Informatics Information Ethics Scholarly Communications and Bibliometrics Career and Research Days
Assignments Readings In-class exercises & Participation (10%) Homework (2) (10%) Midterm Exam (25%) Report 1: Internet Information Behavior (10%) Report 2 and Presentation: Topics in Social Informatics and Information Ethics (15%) Final Exam (30%)
Midterm Grades Mean: Notes Two Fs not included Mean HWK 1: Mean HWK 2: 80.52
Report 1 Grades Mean: Notes Two Fs not included
Not Quite Final Grades Mean: Notes Missing 40% of grade (Report 2 and Final) Two Fs not included
Exit Survey
Motivations for Enrolling Question Strongly Disagree DisagreeNeutralAgree Strongly Agree MeanS.D. I enrolled in this course because I was interested in learning more about information science I enrolled in this course because I heard from other students that information science courses are easy
Motivations for Enrolling My primary motivation for enrolling in this course was… Response Interest in Information Science9+ Interest/intention to major in IS (+ minor)5 (+1) Current IS major (+minor)3 (+1) Interest in Librarianship2 Fulfill general requirement1 Easy / to get an “A”3 Smaller class size for required credit type; needed additional credit hours Friend shared syllabus, course looked interesting; heard it was pretty interesting; To learn about how google works
Previous Knowledge & Expectations Question Strongly Disagree DisagreeNeutralAgree Strongly Agree MeanS.D. Before enrolling in this course, I knew little about information science Some of the course topics surprised me because I did not realize that they were in the information science domain The content of this course was not what I expected
Assignments #Question Not very much Some- what A great deal MeanS.D. 1In-class Exercises Homework: Information Representation and Organization Homework: Search and Retrieval Mid-term Exam Report I: Internet Information Behavior Report II: SI and IE To what extent did the following assignments contribute to your understanding of the course content?
Outcomes Question Strongly Disagree DisagreeNeutralAgree Strongly Agree MeanS.D. After completing this course, my knowledge about information science has increased My interest in information science has increased I am motivated to take additional information science courses I will encourage others to enroll in this course