2011 Psychological Software Solutions, Inc Montrose Blvd., 5 th Floor Houston, TX How can schools improve student behavior using Response to Intervention? What are some indicators that it's time for system-wide change? How can RtI be linked to Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports ? What behavioral strategies are most effective in the classroom and school wide?
2011 Psychological Software Solutions, Inc Montrose Blvd., 5 th Floor Houston, TX Climate and Culture What are the Beliefs and Attitudes of staff about students on campus? What would staff say is the purpose of teacher interactions?
Positive - “what we think” No doors No windows Wheels aren’t the same Is that a car?
2011 Psychological Software Solutions, Inc Montrose Blvd., 5 th Floor Houston, TX Behavior ____________of students (Management / Support) Preventative “what we say”
2011 Psychological Software Solutions, Inc Montrose Blvd., 5 th Floor Houston, TX The child ___ a problem (Is / Has) Opportunities for Growth “what we do”
2011 Psychological Software Solutions, Inc Montrose Blvd., 5 th Floor Houston, TX What do students want from their teachers?
2011 Psychological Software Solutions, Inc Montrose Blvd., 5 th Floor Houston, TX What do students want from their teachers? Positive attitude Preparedness Personal touch Sense of humor Creativity Willingness to admit mistakes Forgiving Respect High expectations Compassion Sense of belonging “University of Memphis Study”
Emotional - Behavioral - Academic
2011 Psychological Software Solutions, Inc Montrose Blvd., 5 th Floor Houston, TX Do we need a System Wide Change? Do we know what we want? (decrease office referrals or increase students meeting “6 - week” benchmarks) Are we achieving the results we want? (we collect data regularly) Have we evaluated our current system? (team as analyzed results) Identify: Keep what’s working (based on data) Adjust what’s not clarity (benchmark) fidelity (benchmark) consistency (benchmark) Develop what’s needed (based on data) Tardies Hallway Supervision
Response to InterventionPositive Behavior Intervention and Supports Universal Level of Prevention Targeted Level of Prevention Specialized Level of Prevention Tiered
Response to Intervention - Behavior Positive Behavior Supports Evidenced based Interventions Continuum of Supports Curriculum (Develop) Team / CoachesCoaches Professional Development Multi-level Multi-tier Screening Progress Monitoring Data based decision making Parental Involvement Responding to Intervention Evidenced based Interventions Continuum (time, personnel) Curriculum (Access /Differentiated) Team / Coaches Professional Development Multi-level Multi-tier Screening Progress Monitoring Data based decision making Parental Involvement
2011 Psychological Software Solutions, Inc Montrose Blvd., 5 th Floor Houston, TX Strategies most effective in the Classroom and Schoolwide? Preventative (before the behavior happens) Are we teaching expectations?(what do we want?) Are we acknowledging students who demonstrate expectations? Are we creating environments for students to be successful? (safe and secure) Are we meeting students needs? (emotional) Interactive (during the behavior) Do we use a hierarchy of redirection Non-verbal, verbal, time – out in classroom, time-outside of classroom, intense consequence, etc. Interact with dignity and respect (behavioral) Response De-escalate Problem – Solve
2011 Psychological Software Solutions, Inc Montrose Blvd., 5 th Floor Houston, TX Maraffa ISD “Positive Student Interactions” PreventionInterventionResponse Schoolwide Develop Expectations Teach Expectations Supervise students Acknowledge Redirect Problem - Solve Classroom Teacher meets student at door Teacher uses student proximity Teacher uses barometer check Acknowledge Redirect Problem - Solve Targeted Group (supplemental) Skills workshop Mentors Wait time Acknowledge Limit verbals Redirect Debrief Problem Solve Individual (specialized) Conferences (AM, Lunch, PM) Contracts Cool – Down Wait time Acknowledge Limit verbals Redirect De-escalate Debrief Problem - Solve Tier - InterventionSize, Frequency, and Duration
2011 Psychological Software Solutions, Inc Montrose Blvd., 5 th Floor Houston, TX Questions & Answers
2011 Psychological Software Solutions, Inc Montrose Blvd., 5 th Floor Houston, TX