VIRTUAL FLASHCARDS To view your virtual flash cards press the F5 key at the top of your key board. Use the space bar to advance through the slides. Use the back arrow to go in reverse. Press Esc to end the show. If you want to print out these slides, go to the file menu and select print. Be sure to choose the printing options you want!
intéressant(e) intelligent méchant(e) amusant(e) bête sympathique timide gentil / gentille mignon / mignonne sportif / sportive interesting mean / nasty intelligent silly / dumb nice / pleasant shy / timid nice / kind cute athletic amusing / fun
. péssimiste. optimiste. pénible. drôle. impoli(e). poli(e). stupidegéniale. énergique.fatigué(e).pauvre.riche.fort(e).faible.triste.content
sincère indépendant(e) dynamique athlétique sincere, honest athletic, sportif / sportive independent upbeat, energetic, enthousiastic and dynamic
intéressant(e) intelligent méchant(e) amusant(e) bête sympathique timide gentil / gentille mignon / mignonne sportif / sportive interesting mean / nasty intelligent silly / dumb nice / pleasant shy / timid nice / kind cute athletic amusing / fun