Preface The goal of this lab is to calculate and compare the area of Circle, Rectangle and Square In this lab, you need to write 5 classes: AreaCalculator, Shape, Circle, Rectangle and Square as the UML shows
Homework Requirements Class Shape is an abstract class and implements interface Comparable. Comparable includes abstract methods getArea() and toString and overridden methods equals() and implement compareTo(). compareTo() equals() if the two shapes have the same area, they are equal use getArea() to identify whether the two shapes have the same area in equals(). compareTo() if A’s area is large than B’s area, A is greater than B use getArea()
Homework Requirements Circle, Rectangle & Square The three classes need to extend Shape and implement getArea() and toString(). toString() return the string like “I am Square and the area is 100.”
Homework Requirements AreaCalculator The goal of AreaCalculator is used to calculate and compare the area of shapes. overload methods sumOfArea() to add the area of two shapes and three shapes. sumOfArea(Shape s1,Shape s2), sumOfArea(Shape s1,Shape s2,Shape s3) sort shapes by the area use java.util.Arrays.sort(shapes) to sort the shapesjava.util.Arrays.sort(shapes) use Singleton pattern Refer to attached file
Homework Requirements The partial content of main method, but it is not completed
Note Please use package Package name is cs lab1 (if you don’t use package, 20 points deduction) Please pack all the files into a Ex: Deadline: 2010/04/08 Mail to