RF Measurement Plan Derun Li Center for Beam Physics Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory January 20, 2011 MICE Video Conference Meeting
Summary of MICE RF Cavity MICE RF cavities in advance of scheduled date (MICE CM28) MICE RF cavities in advance of scheduled date (MICE CM28) Ten cavities with brazed water cooling pipes (two spares) complete in December 2010 Ten cavities with brazed water cooling pipes (two spares) complete in December 2010 – Five cavities measured – Received nine beryllium windows – Ten ceramic RF windows ordered – Tuner design complete, one tuner prototype tested offline – Six prototype tuners in fabrication, and to be tested this year – Design of RF power (loop) coupler complete, ready for fabrication – Design of cavity support and vacuum vessel complete – Cavity post-processing (surface cleaning and preparation for EP) to start this year at LBNL Fabrication plan developed Fabrication plan developed RF Measurement Plan, D. Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Jan. 20,
RF Cavity Measurement Plan Measurement of engineering and mechanical designs Measurement of engineering and mechanical designs – Prototypes: MuCool prototype cavity, tuners, tuning mechanism, support structure – Vacuum, water cooling and integration RF measurement RF measurement – RF parameters: frequency, Q, coupling (couplers) – Low power RF measurements of tuning range, sensitivity, mechanism and control circuit – W/O and with beryllium windows Single cavity vessel Single cavity vessel RF Measurement Plan, D. Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Jan. 20,
Design of Single Cavity Vessel 4 RF Measurement Plan, D. Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Jan. 20, 2011 o Keep as much as possible of the same dimensions and features of RFCC o One vessel to accommodate two types of MICE cavities (left and right) o Future LN operation RFCC module
Design of the Single Cavity Vessel RF Measurement Plan, D. Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Jan. 20, o The single cavity vessel design is complete (LBNL) o Drawings and review soon o The vessel and accessory components ready for fabrication (Fermilab): bid and identify vendors o Six prototype tuners in fabrication
What Can We Learn? Prior to having MICE RFCC module, the single cavity vessel will allow us to: Check engineering and mechanical design Check engineering and mechanical design Obtain hands-on experience on assembly and procedures Obtain hands-on experience on assembly and procedures – Cavity installation Beryllium windows Beryllium windows RF couplers RF couplers Water cooling pone Water cooling pone Vacuum port Vacuum port Tuners Tuners – Cavity support structures – Vacuum vessel support and handling RF Measurement Plan, D. Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Jan. 20,
What Can We Measure? Low power RF measurements: – Cavity frequency in air and vacuum – Tuning sensitivity in air or vacuum High power RF measurements: – Cavity conditioning – Frequency variation due to RF heating on beryllium windows and cavity body (can be done using the MTA prototype cavity) – Frequency shift as a function of average RF power and time – Repeat above measurement with active tuners on the cavity and measure tuning range and sensitivity Measurements with magnetic fields? Where? Measurements with magnetic fields? Where? RF Measurement Plan, D. Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Jan. 20,
Summary RF cavity measurement plan developed RF cavity measurement plan developed We can learn a great deal from measurements using the single cavity vessel We can learn a great deal from measurements using the single cavity vessel In addition, we will continue In addition, we will continue – RF measurements of the second batch of five MICE cavities – Cavity surface finish and EP – Corse tuning (by deforming the cavity body) of all MICE cavities to a center frequency – Fabrication of accessory components RF Measurement Plan, D. Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Jan. 20,