Bodies of air that bring distinctive weather features to the country. A mass of air in air that is very uniform in temperature, pressure, and humidity. Polar = cold Tropical = warm Maritime = moist Continental = dry Air Masses
May cover several millions of square kilometers and extend vertically throughout the troposphere
Pressure of Air Masses Air Pressure = weight of air acting on an area Warm Air has more KE and spreads out more. Therefore, it’s less dense and has less weight. This means less pressure. Warm Air Masses are less dense and have Lower Pressure
Pressure Systems Uneven heating of the Earth’s surface causes differences in air pressure Warm Air Low Pressure System Cold Air High Pressure System
Weather Map: Fronts, Systems, Jet stream
Weather Fronts A front is the transition zone between two air masses of different density. Fronts extend not only in the horizontal direction, but in the vertical as well.
Cold Front & Air Masses
Global Wind Patterns
Cold Front on a Weather Map
Warm Front on a Weather Map
Occluded (Stationary) Fronts
Wind Patterns Air flows from areas of high pressure into those of low pressure Northern Hemisphere: air flow from areas of high to low pressure is deflected to the right; producing a clockwise circulation around an area of High pressure. Counter-clockwise circulation around an area of Low pressure.
Wind Circulation Patterns
Weather Forecasting Tools Used: Thermometer (temperature) Barometer (pressure) Hygrometer (humidity) Radar (storm & cloud movement) Satellite imagery (storm & cloud movement) National Weather Service Boise Site: Weather Channel Site:
Weather Maps
Climate Average of all weather conditions in area over a long time Ex: temperature, precipitation Climate is cyclically influenced by ocean currents & temperatures El Niño & La Niña These variations alter: surface wind surface ocean temperatures deep ocean temperatures
Climate Cycles Caused by variations in ocean currents & temperatures ○ Cycles occur every 3-7 years ○ El Niño: characterized by unusually warm ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific ○ La Niña: characterized by unusually coldocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific
Normal vs. El Niño Ocean Temperatures Unusually warm ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific Winters are warmer than normal in the Northern States & cooler than normal in the Southern States
Normal vs. La Niña Ocean Temperatures Unusually cold ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific Winters are cooler than normal in the Northwest & warmer than normal in the Southeast
Cloud Characterization Clouds are characterized by: 1. Height above the ground a) Cirro b) Alto c) Nimbo 2. Type of cloud a) Cirrus b) Cumulus c) Stratus – any cloud type can form layers
Cloud Levels & Types
Layers of the Atmosphere