310KM Lab 7 Part 3 Tutorial Group: 2 Student Name: Chan Nga Lok Fan Ka Yan Lo Yuen Ki Tsui Sui Wa
Required features, content or services Property search by all field Keep travel expense on the move Search and compare the information of customers and properties Search the competitor’s information of the similar sold property Search the proprietor’s time schedule Double password Authentication Update current state of the property
Property search by all field Enable user to search by type, size, address, phone etc.
Keep travel expense on the move Can make use of the time in transit to report travel expenses rather than upon their return office
Search and compare the information of customers and properties Enable user to introduce the suitable properties to customer as soon as possible.
Search the competitor’s information of the similar sold property Enable user to search the sold property information ( e.g. price, size, position) in competitor company
Search the proprietor’s time schedule Enable user to check the schedule of the proprietor in order to confirm the visit time
Double password Authentication Before use the system, user need to input their individual password and the password given by company.
Update current state of the property User can update the current state of the property by themselves, in order to realize and analysis the value of the property in the future.
Prioritization matrix
Platform and development tool - Hardware
Platform and development tool - Software MySQL (database) C++ SDK
pror_TimeSchedule pror_Date pror_Time Competitor Information compet_soldProperty compet_name Staffs staff_Name staff_UserName staff_Location password Customers cust_Name cust_Requirement cust_PhoneNO pror_Proporties pp_Address pp_PurchasingPrice pp_SetSellingPrice pp_Age compet_soldProperty sold_Address sold_Price sold_Date Proprietors pror_Name pror_PhoneNO pror_Proporties pror_TimeSched ule Company Information Proprietors Customers Staffs Cust_Requirment cust_Requireme nt cust_Price cust_Location password indiv_pwd company_pwd
User interface
Special/innovative feature
The End