Logistics Processes and Motorways of the Sea II ENPI 2011/ This project is funded by the European Union A project implemented by Еgis International / Dornier Consulting LOGMOS OBJECTIVES AND RESULTS SINCE THE START OF THE PROJECT TRACECA LOGISTICS PROCESSES AND MOTORWAYS OF THE SEA II Andreas Schoen Team leader 23 November 2011 Bucharest, Romania
Logistics Processes and Motorways of the Sea II ENPI 2011/ In Focus Duration: 27 April 2011 – 26 April 2014 Project Area: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey Follow up of three projects: Logistics centres and Motorways of the Sea Development of pilot projects Practical approach and Implementation
Logistics Processes and Motorways of the Sea II ENPI 2011/
Logistics Processes and Motorways of the Sea II ENPI 2011/ Work since the start of the project Action Plans formulated for all 16 projects which had been identified by the previous three TRACECA projects Action plans discussed in bilateral meetings, during Round tables and meetings of national working groups in Ukraine, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Two Regional meetings of the Black Sea countries and the Caucasus and Central Asian countries have been conducted in July and October 2011, respectively.
Logistics Processes and Motorways of the Sea II ENPI 2011/ Work since the start of the project Inception report and First Progress of the LOGMOS project have been published. Work started on the methodology of the LOGMOS Master-plan for the whole TRACECA corridor. The basic methodology for the evaluation of new project has been presented. Draft countries profiles for seven beneficiary countries being updated at the moment, including an update of the traffic flow data.
Logistics Processes and Motorways of the Sea II ENPI 2011/ Work since the start of the project Work started for the systematic analysis of legal and administrative problem where the LOGMOS project will present proposals for solution. Experts of the project visited 8 of 10 direct beneficiary countries, till the end of the current year direct dialogue will be established with stakeholders during visits to Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Numerous meetings have been conducted with stakeholders both from the private and public sectors.
Logistics Processes and Motorways of the Sea II ENPI 2011/ Work since the start of the project First part of TRACECA river transport potential case study concerning the Dnepr has been published, the second part dealing with the Danube will be published in the next Progress report. With the framework of the TRACECA Investment forum 2012 supporting material is being prepared for Armenia and Georgia. The drafts of the respective documents are ready.
Logistics Processes and Motorways of the Sea II ENPI 2011/ Work since the start of the project First part of TRACECA river transport potential case study concerning the Dnepr has been published, the second part dealing with the Danube will be published in the next Progress report. With the framework of the TRACECA Investment forum 2012 supporting material is being prepared for Armenia and Georgia. The drafts of the respective documents are ready.
Logistics Processes and Motorways of the Sea II ENPI 2011/ First results and conclusions There is active support from all beneficiary countries. There is active support and involvement of the private sector in the implementation of the Action plans. First results in the field of promotion of positive experience along the TRACECA corridor (Viking train)
Logistics Processes and Motorways of the Sea II ENPI 2011/ Contact LOGMOS team: 8, Lysenko street, office 39, Kiev 01034, Ukraine , 10 Thank you for your attention!