Mr. Kevin Sexton© PS 103 – United State Political Systems Southeast Missouri State University
THE UNITED STATES IS A DEMOCRACY TRUE DEMOCRACY In a TRUE DEMOCRACY: ALL Decisions are made by ALL citizens. TRUE DEMOCRACY In the United States, or any large society TRUE DEMOCRACY is impossible. In the United States: ALL We allow ALL the citizens to take part in selecting People to act on our behalf (or represent us) at each level of government. The United States has two basic levels of government. The National or Federal GovernmentEach of the Fifty State Governments
ACTUALLY, THE UNITED STATES IS AN REPRESENTATIVE REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY represent The people we elected to represent us: FEDERAL/NATIONAL STATE Represent us only on issues related to the level at which they work, either the FEDERAL/NATIONAL level or the STATE Level. We elect two DIFFERENT groups of people to represent us, one group at each of the two major levels of government. FEDERAL/NATIONAL At the FEDERAL/NATIONAL level: We elect two members of US Senate to represent us & We elect one member of the US House of Representatives to represent us. At the STATE level: We elect one member of our STATE Senate to represent us & We elect one member of our STATE House of Representatives to represent us.
If you live in the State of Indiana: You have three senators that represent you: Indiana Senate One in the Indiana Senate (on state issues) & United States Senate Two In the United States Senate (on national issues) You have two members of the houses of representatives that represent you: Indiana House of Reps. One in the Indiana House of Reps. (on state issues) & United States Reps. One In the United States Reps. (on national issues) In short: State senators and state representatives deal with issues that relate to the powers that the US Constitution have given to the states. US Senators and US Representatives deal with issues that relate to the powers that the US Constitution have given to the federal/national government.
US Senate Lets take a look at who each member of the US Senate is supposed to represent by looking at map of the State of Indiana. 1. There are two US Senators that are elected from Indiana, and there are two from every other state as well. 2. Notice that there are no boundary lines on this map other than the state boundaries. This is because BOTH US Senators from Indiana represent the WHOLE state. 3. You must keep in mind that the US Senators represent Indiana in the US Senate. Many people believe the US Senators represent the US because they work in the US that is not true Senate, that is not true.
US House of Representatives Lets take a look at who each member of the US House of Representatives is supposed to represent by looking at a map of the State of Indiana. 1.There are currently (could change) nine members of the US House of Representatives from Indiana. 2.Notice that there are nine clearly separated districts on this map. 3.Each of the districts is represented by one member of the US House of Representatives. 4.This is important to understand. 4.This is important to understand. The person that is elected from that specific district is elected to represent the people of that particular district. The representative from the 9 th Congressional District of Indiana does not work for, or on behalf of the people from the 7 th Congressional District of Indiana even though both of those congressional districts are in Indiana. They work for the people that elected them, the people that live in their district. Once again, remember that the US Representative does not represent the US just because they are in the US House of Representatives. They represent the district from which they are elected.
Indiana State Senate Lets take a look at who each member of the Indiana State Senate is supposed to represent by looking at map of the State of Indiana. There are 50 state senators that are elected from Indiana, each state decides how many they will have. Notice that there are 50 distinct districts on this map. Each district is represented by one state senator that represents the citizens of that district in the INDIANA STATE SENATE on state issues. that is not true You must keep in mind that the state senators represent citizens of their district in the state senate. Many people believe the state senators represent the whole state because they work in the state senate, that is not true.
Indiana State House of Representatives Lets take a look at who each member of the Indiana State House of Representatives is Supposed to represent by looking at map of the State of Indiana. There are 100 members of the Indiana State House of Representatives that are elected from Indiana, every state gets to decide how many members there will be. Notice that there are 100 distinct districts on this map. Each district is represented by one state representative that represents the citizens of that district in the INDIANA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on state issues. that is not true You must keep in mind that the state representatives represent citizens of their district in the state house of representatives. Many people believe the state representatives represent the whole state because they work in the state house of representatives, that is not true.
When looking at the two basic levels of government in the United States, the national/federal and the state each person has five people that represent them. Each person has: Two members of the US Senate One member of the US House of Representatives One member of their state senate (some states have two state senators from each state senate district) One member of their state house of representative (Nebraska has no state house of representatives) If someone asks you who is the senator that represents you. You must ask them at least one question…… DO YOU MEAN MY STATE SENATOR OR MY US SENATORS. THIS ALSO APPLIES IF YOU ARE ASKED ABOUT YOUR MEMBER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESNTATIVES