School Uniforms By: Amanda Jones Tracey Stewart Tonya Benefield The advocacy that we have decided to complete our project over is for students to wear uniforms to school. We feel that is important for all students to feel equal and this is a wonderful start. Children and teachers will not be able to judge someone just by what type of clothing they are wearing.
Pros Creates Uniformity – Students look professional Reduces Gang Activity Eliminates Dress Code Violations Reduces behavior problems – Cuts down on teasing and cliques Saves Money on Clothing – Parent’s do not have to buy designer labels School’s will be safe from outsiders Reduces violence and fighting Reduces distractions Saves time getting dressed in the morning Builds School Spirit
Cons Discourages individuality No use outside of school No relationship to academics Does not cut down on bullying Wouldn’t be able to identify children easily Some parents feel it will interfere with religion
Example Story # 1 Louise Scott walks her grandchildren to school every day. She thinks they're better off to be going to class in uniforms. “When I was going to school, kids picked at you because you didn't have. Maybe your mom don't have the money to buy all those name brand clothes, so it's a good idea,” Scott said. Sawgrass Bay ElementarySawgrass Bay Elementary, in Four Corners, has had a uniform policy since it opened in However, Sawgrass Bay and Lost Lake Elementary, in Clermont, just got school board approval to do away with parents' option to opt out, except for religious reasons. Sawgrass Bay Principal Julio Valle says for the policy to be fair and effective, the 1,000-plus students who go to the school should be wearing them.Lost Lake Elementary “We want to continue to be that A school and want to continue to meet that adequate yearly progress that we have done that last couple years,” Valle said. “And we want it to be the third year in the running. And I think that this helps us get focused even more.” “My kids have really thrived in this school, and I fully support the administration in whatever policies and procedures they feel just adds to the learning environment,” said parent Matt Fisher. School administrators and some parents say to switching to uniforms also saves money. They say for around $20, you can get a complete outfit for your child for the school day. “It's a good idea because it saves you money on your clothing. They wear this, and when they're not in school they wear their clothing. So it's a good policy,” Scott said. Some argue uniforms suppress a child's creativity. Principal Valle said he believes it allows them to be more creative with their personality instead of their apparel. The new school uniform policy goes into effect next school year. Reference: rms_mandatory.html
Example Story # 2 Bayonne, N.J. A group of parents have appealed a dismissal of their challenge to a uniform requirement of khaki bottoms and navy tops. Their lawyer plans to file a case brief Aug. 13. A judge ruled last year that the suit was not filed in time. School officials have said the uniforms foster school spirit, self-respect and self-discipline. References: protest_N.htm
The Honorable Robert Berry 2305 Rayburn HOB United States House of Representatives Washington D.C Dear Representative, We are students at Arkansas State University and we are trying to create a bill to make it mandatory for all public schools to wear school uniforms. We feel the benefits from wearing school uniforms outweighs the negative aspects. Through research we have found that school uniformity helps reduce violence and disciplinary problems. School uniforms also help parents save money and reduces stress and time issues in the morning. We also feel that the students will be safe and protected from outsiders. Thank you for taking time out of your day for considering what we feel is a very important issue that needs to be addressed soon. Sincerely, Amanda Jones Tracey Stewart Tonya Benefield
School Uniforms School Uniforms can be fun!!!! We feel that is important for all students to feel equal and this is a wonderful start. Children and teachers will not be able to judge someone just by what type of clothing they are wearing. School’s will be safe from outsiders Reduces violence and fighting Reduces distractions Saves time getting dressed in the morning Builds School Spirit
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