ESPART S ENSOR By Jonathan Pierson
ESPART S ENSOR : O VERVIEW The ESPART analyzer uses the principle of Stokes’ Law and Laser Doppler Effect in determining the particle size and charge. As a particle travels through air it experiences a drag force which is proportional to the diameter of the particle, given by Stokes’ Law. Charge also effects its diameter given.
ESPART S ENSOR : H OW IT W ORKS The MiniLDV emits two laser beams that when a particle travels through the intersection of the beams, they are read by the receiving lens and a sinusoidal wave is formed. The larger the charge of the particle the larger its signature is.
Triboeletric Charger ESPART Sensor Delivery System UVM Test Chamber YAY ELECTRONZ
Triboeletric Charger ESPART Sensor Delivery System UVM Test Chamber