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Presentation transcript:


Working together to improve public safety interoperability… Present State of Broadband in Canada Different technologies in use Different systems in use Not seamless ability for wireless broadband nationwide No Canada-U.S. harmonization Thirst for public safety bandwidth increasing exponentially Industry Canada Consultation provides opportunity to state public safety needs

Working together to improve public safety interoperability… The Issue The allocation of 700MHz broadband spectrum represents a once in a lifetime opportunity If done correctly will enable mission critical data communications for public safety for years to come Having this ability directly impacts community and responder safety, innovation and the health of Canada’s digital economy Public safety’s voice must be heard — we need the right tools to protect and save lives

Working together to improve public safety interoperability… Background August 2011 is scheduled to mark the transition from analog television to digital, freeing up spectrum for potential use by public safety November 2010 – Industry Canada (IC) Minister announces Spectrum Auction for late 2012 Many private and public agencies are vying for the additional (and very valuable) spectrum IC opened consultations on the 700 MHz broadband allocations on November 30 th, 2010 Canadian public safety professionals must have access to modern and reliable communications capabilities

Working together to improve public safety interoperability… In the U.S. A similar analogue-to-digital TV transition was accomplished in June, 2009 The FCC has already licensed 10 MHz to the Public Safety Spectrum Trust (PSST) - board comprised of IACP, IAFC, etc., see Collectively, U.S. public safety agencies are now fighting for a second 10 MHz block in the critical band of 700 MHz spectrum known as the D Block Bill in Senate proposes assigning D Block for public safety use, but commercial carriers are pushing for auction Canadian responders may face the same challenge

Nine major public safety organizations along with major telecommunications companies have been working to influence Congress & FCC to reallocate the D Block and add it to the PSST license Creating a MHz block of broadband public safety spectrum APCO, IACP, IAFC, MCC, MFC, NSA, MCSA, NENA, NEMA  FCC recommended to auction the D block in the broadband report to Congress on March 17  Rockefeller Bill – D Block back to PS; $6B in funding C 11 MHz D 5 MHz PSST 5 MHz D 5 MHz PSST 5 MHz NB MHz806 MHz Base Transmit, Mobile ReceiveMobile Transmit, Base Receive Verizon LTE Auction or PSST PSST Public Safety Verizon LTE Auction or PSST PSST Public Safety US Public safety organizations intend to keep pressing Congress / White House to reallocate the D Block 700 MHz Broadband Landscape in the US

APCO / NPSTC / PSST Endorsed LTE for Public Safety State & Local Governments Requesting Waivers 21 waiver requests Grant Dollars Awarded for their LTE System Proposals Aug 2010 Agency Date Filed with FCC State of New Jersey4/3/09 City and County of San Francisco, City of Oakland & City of San Jose 5/27/09 City of Boston5/28/09 City of New York6/8/09 District of Columbia6/26/09 State of New York6/30/09 State of Alabama Wisconsin Consortium Chesapeake, VA7/8/09 City of San Antonio, TX7/10/09 State of New Mexico7/10/09 City of Charlotte, NC8/4/09 City of Mesa, AZ State of Oregon Iowa Statewide Interoperable Communications Systems Board10/15/09 Hawaii Petitioners8/19/09 City of Pembroke Pines, FL9/4/09 Los Angeles Regional Interop. Comm. System9/18/09 Adams County, CO (and Denver Int’l Airport)9/17/09 City of Seattle, WA1/15/10 State of Mississippi3/22/10 Historic opportunity for Continental Vision to create public safety “mission critical data” system of systems across Canada, US and beyond. San Francisco $50M St of Mississippi $70M City of Charlotte $16M State of New Jersey $39M State of New Mexico $39M 700 MHz Broadband Landscape in the US

Working together to improve public safety interoperability… Why is this so important? Today, Canadian public safety entities use existing commercial networks for their data needs Some 700 MHz narrow and wide band spectrum is already dedicated to public safety in Canada for voice and some low speed data use However, securing dedicated spectrum for broadband applications for public safety will ensure wireless broadband networks can be built with the needs of public safety in mind moving forward, to “Mission Critical” requirements Take advantage of US/World standard LTE 4G

Working together to improve public safety interoperability… Why is this so important? With advances in technology, Canadian agencies will have an increasing need to access data and video networks during all emergency incidents Availability of such networks responds directly to the Canadian tri-services identified priorities of improved interoperability and integrated emergency management -- spectrum allocations are a key enabler for the creation of such a network Above all, Canadians will be safer if responders have the ability to provide services with the most up-to-date technology enabled by spectrum dedicated for public safety

Working together to improve public safety interoperability… Example Firefighters from New Brunswick asked by CIFFC to fly to British Columbia (or California, or Australia) to help fight wildfires – the wireless device (future versions that are hardened & intrinsically safe) immediately connects to the 700 MHz system in BC (or wherever), authenticates them as a public safety user and gives them full BROADBAND access to mission critical data including GIS location tracking, situational awareness info about where the fires are located (based on access to wireless sensors that have been deployed) and full topographical and /or satellite maps.

Working together to improve public safety interoperability… Example Paramedics are called to the scene of a mass casualty event along the Washington State – British Columbia border. BC Incident Commanders quickly realize that they require assistance from their U.S. counterparts. They begin deploying wireless patient care telemetry devices that connect via the 700 MHz Broadband network. Because the network was built using the same spectrum and standards (LTE), the US responders can immediately get access the information required (as authorized by previous governance and SOP’s) to successfully respond to this joint operation.

Working together to improve public safety interoperability… Example Police are called to an Active Shooter situation at a local college. Based on broadband access to the 700 MHz network, they immediately deploy three teams into the school via three different entry points. 3D in-building location and tracking devices (originally spearheaded by the fire community) allow team leaders, local Incident Commander and HQ to be aware of each other’s location. They then access the IP based speaker/microphone system in the college, overlay sounds on the building floor plan, and immediately identify victim/suspect location info. Fire and paramedic teams responding have (as authorized) access to the data to begin planning their response.

Working together to improve public safety interoperability… It sounds expensive… Building and management of broadband networks across the country can be achieved in collaboration with industry – possibly via P3 partnerships However, the licensing/control of the spectrum is critical and the key enabler Spectrum dedicated to public safety will dictate that industry build wireless broadband networks with the needs of public safety in mind By design, these networks would be inherently more reliable, more robust, more functional and more survivable — to a level that is expected and required to support emergency response operations

Working together to improve public safety interoperability… A Trans-Continental Vision 125 Years ago some good folks got around a table and created a vision for a Trans-Canada railway system Many years later, other visionaries began the process of building a Trans-Canada highway system Not suggesting responder agencies, or even Federal, Provincial, Territorial governments must build the railway or roadway, only that public safety own the “right of way” or spectrum across Canada Further, that this spectrum be harmonized with the U.S. and internationally Finally, by using the internationally accepted cellular standard of LTE, we can create a Trans-Continental system of systems for Mission Critical Public Safety data requirement for the next century

Working together to improve public safety interoperability… Current Work The Chiefs’ Associations (CACP, CAFC, EMSCC) are advocating a whole-of-government approach (i.e., all levels of government involved in public safety, similar to the approach taken on the National Strategy Communications Interoperability by Public Safety Canada) In addition to responder needs, governments at all levels will need to access secure and reliable data networks coordinate response to daily incidents, planned events, Emergency Management and Border Security operations Future networks must be built with public safety requirements in mind - – likely starting in major urban centres and then ever expanding “systems of systems” across Canadian communities, along major highways and border regions

Working together to improve public safety interoperability… Current Work The leaders of police, fire and EMS agencies across the country are joining together to develop a common position on the issue A Tri-Services Special Purpose Committee on Mission Critical 700 MHz Broadband for Public Safety Data was created to provide research, monitor key activities and advise on the issue An independent study is being completed to help gain a better understanding of the issue Jointly, CACP, CAFC and EMSCC are working to raise awareness about the issue

Working together to improve public safety interoperability… Work of the Tri-Service Committee Formulate a broad-based public safety response to the public consultations on the use of the 700 MHz band Monitor and advise on the issue, inform stakeholders and identify responder spectrum needs and potential opportunities Engage with industry, public safety providers and different levels of government to put forward a position that makes sense for Canadian public safety and Canadians in general Deliver the written response for the consultation

Working together to improve public safety interoperability… Work of the Committee Ensure that the spectrum needs of responders and public safety in general are considered and accounted for Enough spectrum to fulfil vision of a robust system of interoperable networks that will benefit urban, suburban and rural responder agencies in Canada Alignment with U.S. with a view to a trans-continental vision Work with industry to help better define needs and future vision Advocate and work with others on a whole-of- government approach

Working together to improve public safety interoperability… Potential Growth Vision Border and a few major cities Major centres Regional solutions Major arteries Continentally Aligned

Working together to improve public safety interoperability… What can YOU do about it? Get informed and put this issue on your organization’s radar Inform your boards, municipalities, provincial/territorial governments and other governing bodies that spectrum allocations will have a significant impact on public safety in Canada Work with tri-services colleagues and others to advocate a strong voice for public safety in advance of spectrum allocations Look for and act on mobilization information as it sent by CACP, CAFC, EMSCC and others

Working together to improve public safety interoperability… Call to Action! Web site created by the Associations to provide a focal point for communications efforts: (download basic information, including today’s media release, and sign up for updates) Call for volunteers — send to: (we will need supporting letters, technical experts, outreach, etc.)

Working together to improve public safety interoperability… Tri-Service Committee Next Steps Reach out to all levels of government, public safety agencies and industry Engage experts to look at the future spectrum needs of public safety Create an awareness and mobilization campaign Ensure a comprehensive submission to Industry Canada that clearly outlines public safety needs by February 28, 2011