Terri V. Brixen National Air Quality Conferences San Diego, CA March 9,
CEPF Overview Enabling Legislation - HB 192 Eligible Projects: 1. Environmental Enhancement 2. Pollution Mitigation 3. Enhance Natural Resources & Create Recreational Opportunities Funding: 1. 25% of all fines collected available for Community Environmental Projects 2. Benefit communities where the violations occurred 2
I. Community-Focused Research and Training Monitor or identify industrial or commercial process that result in pollution Quantify exposure or risks 3 CAPACITY BUILDING SUPPORT
II. Collaborative Problem-Solving Partnerships Form Multi-stakeholder partnerships (community, government, industry, academia) Identify an environmental and or public health concern Develop problem solving strategies/solutions 4 CAPACITY BUILDING SUPPORT
III. Technical Assistance Increase the knowledge or understanding of the problem by people who reside in the affected community. Use tools for involving affected community residents in planning (e.g., charettes, forums, workshops community meetings) and documents community participation. Training to understand and increase effective participation of the affected community in regulatory, permitting, zoning and land use decision making processes 5 CAPACITY BUILDING SUPPORT
6 Eligible Organizations Federal tax exempt status 501c(3) Civic and Community Organizations Municipal Governments Educational Institutions Counties, State Agencies Quasi-State Agencies (represent community where violation occurred)
7 CEPF Project Requirements DNREC Sponsor A Subject Matter Expert From: Air Quality Waste Management Water Resources Watershed Stewardship Parks and Recreation Fish and Wildlife DNREC Sponsor Role: Technical Assistance Review and approve project expenditures Project Reporting
8 25% Matching Funds A. Volunteer Services B. Donated Supplies
Community Involvement Advisory Council (CIAC) Advisory to DNREC Secretary on CEPF Funding CIAC MISSION Ensure that no community in the state is disparately affected by environmental impacts Increase the flow of information between communities and the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Increase community participation Facilitate dialogue among all stakeholders during the decision making process 9 Project Selection
Partnerships with other organizations Demonstrate broad-based support Active community involvement and support 10
Project Selection Grant Review Subcommitte Project Sponsor Participation Rating Ranking Community Involvement Advisory Council meeting Mandatory! CEPF applicant presentations 11
Air Quality Projects Museum of Natural History “Healthy Habitats” Kent/Dover MPO “Captain Clean Air” Movie Video Clip and Movie Slide Delaware Center For Horticulture “Urban Heat Island Mitigation Project” Delaware Diesel Difference 12
Air Quality Projects Claymont Community Coalition & Global Community Monitor “Claymont Dust Study” Transportation Management Association “Bike Project” Delaware Ecumenical Council on Children & Families “Ozone Education Workshops” DART & TMA “Ozone Transit Pass Program” 13
Healthy Habitats 14
Healthy Habitats 15
Captain Clean Air 16
Contacts Community Environmental Project Fund James Brunswick – Community Ombudsman Terri Brixen – Division of Air Quality, Outreach & Education Coordinator