Lepton Pair Production Accompanied by Giant Dipole Resonance at RHIC and LHC M. C. Güçlü and M. Y. Şengül İstanbul Technical University WW2011Winter Park - Colorado 1
Işık University31/03/ Particle production from EM Fields * Lepton-pair production * Beam Lifetime (electron capture and nuclear dissociation) * Detector background * Impact parameter dependence * Test of QED at high fields
WW2011Winter Park - Colorado3 Collisions of Heavy Ions
WW2011Winter Park - Colorado4 Particle production from EM Fields Large number of free lepton-pair production
WW2011Winter Park - Colorado5 Particle production from EM Fields Bound-free electron – positron pair production)
WW2011Winter Park - Colorado6 Nuclear dissociation (Giant Dipole Resonance) Particle production from EM Fields
WW2011Winter Park - Colorado7 Collision Parameters :
WW2011Winter Park - Colorado8 Electromagnetic four vector potential Electromagnetic field tensor QED Lagrangian :
WW2011Winter Park - Colorado9 Lepton-Pair Production Semi Classical Action : Free Lagrangian : Interaction Lagrangian :
WW2011Winter Park - Colorado10 Total Cross Section for Free Pair Production
WW2011Winter Park - Colorado11 Scalar part of EM Fields in momentum space of moving heavy ions; Amplitude T kq relates the intermediate-photon lines to the outgoing-fermion lines
Free electron-positron pair production WW2011Winter Park - Colorado12 SPS, γ=10, Au + Au, σ=140 barn RHIC, γ=100, Au + Au, σ=36 kbarn LHC, γ=3400, Pb + Pb, σ=227 kbarn
Electron Capture Process WW2011Winter Park - Colorado13
Positron Wave-Function WW2011Winter Park - Colorado14 is the distortion (correction term) due to the large charge of the ion.
Distorted wave-function for the captured-electron WW2011Winter Park - Colorado15
Using the positron and the captured electron wave-functions, direct term of the Feynman diagram can be written as: WW2011Winter Park - Colorado16
Having the amplitudes for the direct and crossed diagram, the cross section for BFPP is; WW2011Winter Park - Colorado17
WW2011Winter Park - Colorado18 Total Cross Section for Bound-Free Pair Production Impact parameter dependence probability for Bound-Free Pair Production
Bound- free electron-positron pair production WW2011Winter Park - Colorado19 RHIC, γ=100, Au + Au, σ=83 barn LHC, γ=3400, Au + Au, σ=161 barn Pb + Pb, σ=206 barn
FIG. 2: BFPP cross sections for two different systems as functions of the nuclear charge Z [8]. WW2011Winter Park - Colorado20
FIG. 3: BFPP cross sections for two different systems (Au+Au-dashed line and Pb+Pb-solid line) as functions of the [8]. WW2011Winter Park - Colorado21
FIG. 4: The differential cross section as function of the transverse momentum of the produced positrons [8]. WW2011Winter Park - Colorado 22
FIG. 5: The differential cross section as function of the longitudinal momentum of the produced positrons [8]. WW2011Winter Park - Colorado 23
FIG. 6: The differential cross section as function of the energy of the produced positrons [8]. WW2011Winter Park - Colorado 24
FIG. 7: The differential cross section is shown as function of the rapidity [8]. WW2011Winter Park - Colorado 25
WW2011Winter Park - Colorado26 What about experiments at SOLENOIDAL TRACKER ( STAR ) ? RHIC: Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider Energy =100 GeV/nucleon Au + Au collisions
WW2011Winter Park - Colorado27 Cross Section of electron-positron pairs accompanied by nuclear dissociation Giant Dipole Resonance
The total cross section of electron-positron pair production with giant dipole resonance WW2011Winter Park - Colorado28 the probability of electron-positron pair production the probability of a simultaneous nuclear excitation as a function of impact parameter[9].
WW2011Winter Park - Colorado29 Rapidity: Invariant mass: Transverse momentum : Kinematic restrictions at STAR experiment Adams J. At al. Phys. Rev. A 63: (2004)
WW2011Winter Park - Colorado30 Results: Şengül, M. Y., Güçlü, M. C., and Fritzsche, S., 2009, Phys. Rev. A 80,
BOUND-FREE ELECTRON-POSITRON PAIR PRODUCTION with GIANT DIPOLE RESONANCE 34 the probability of electron-positron pair production the probability of a simultaneous nuclear excitation as a function of impact parameter
WW2011Winter Park - Colorado33 FIG. 8: The probability of positron pair production with (a) gold beams at RHIC and (b) lead beams at the LHC as a function of b with XnXn (dashed line) and 1n1n (dotted line) and without nuclear excitation [11]. Şengul, M. Y., and Güçlü, M. C., 2011, Phys. Rev. C,83,
FIG. 9: The differential cross section as function of energy of the produced positrons is shown in the graph (a) for RHIC and (b) for LHC. And the differential cross section is shown as function of the longitudinal momentum of the produced positrons in the graph (a) for RHIC and (b) for LHC [11]. WW2011Winter Park - Colorado34
FIG. 10: The differential cross section as function of transverse momentum of the produced positrons is shown in the graph (a) for RHIC and (b) for LHC. And the differential cross section is shown as function of the rapidity of the produced positrons in the graph (a) for RHIC and (b) for LHC [11]. WW2011Winter Park - Colorado35
WW2011Winter Park - Colorado 36 CONCLUSIONS: 1. We have obtained impact parameter dependence of free-free and bound-free electron-positron pair production cross section by using the semi-classical two photon method. 2. Our calculations agree well with the other calculations shown at references. 3. We have also obtained cross sections as a function of rapidity, transverse momentum and longitudinal momentum of produced positrons and compered with the STAR experiment. 4. We can repeat the similar calculation for the FAIR energies. 5. Can we use this method to calculate the production of other particles such as mesons, heavy leptons, may be Higgs particles ?
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