C HAPTER 12 A Very Graphic Story
O VERVIEW Simple GUI Getting User Input Creating a Listener ActionEvents Displaying Graphics Drawing Multiple Buttons Animation Example
S IMPLE GUI Java using 'swing' for GUIs To display a GUI, you need to 'draw' a window, add content, and display the window Example Chapter12
G ETTING U SER I NPUT User input is uncertain You don't want to wait all day for the user Creating a 'listener' helps handle this Listeners can be used for all type of input Serial Keyboard Mouse
A CTION E VENTS We use the ActionEvents class to make listeners We need to re configure our code to handle this Then we will Create an Action Listener object Link it to a button Make something happen when the Action Listener reports on the button.
M ULTIPLE B UTTONS (C HAPTER 13) Java uses layout managers to place drawing objects Common ones are: BorderLayout FlowLayout BoxLayout Lets start with FlowLayout
M ULTIPLE L ISTENERS A simple way is to check the options in a single Listener. This is not always the best way, but will work for now Example