Why we regulate? Public Interest Theory Monopoly power & abuses Improved regulator procedures, greater accountability of regulatory authority, more consumer interest Example, IL Tollway Authority Capture Theory Starts with consumer interest Ends with firm’s interest Close ties between regulatory firm and regulating agency Example, Illinois Power Authority
Economic Theory of Regulation Stigler (1971), Peltzman (1976) Groups demand gov’t favors that result in wealth transfers Gov’t supplies transfers in form of regulation Gov’t supplies to those most influential: votes, fund, future political favors Successful groups Greater expected net benefit Concentrated benefits (smaller vs. larger groups)
Economic Theory of Regulation Stigler (1971), Peltzman (1976) Win-win Consumers want lower prices Firms want restricted entry Regulatory authority is simply contract enforcer
Ways to regulate? Entry Example, PURPA Price & Cost Allocation PLP Ramsey Pricing FDC Pricing Quality/Reliability matters Assumes TR>TC Rate-of-Return Regulation
Rate-of-Return Regulation Costs are reviewed Unnecessary costs are eliminated ROR on certain costs determined to be fair Price is determined Profit Maximization Problem Subject to Rate-Return Constraint
Problems with ROR Regulation Allowable Costs Firm wants to exaggerate costs Depreciation Expenses Falls into rate-base and tax bill Accelerated depreciation vs. straight line depreciation Incentives for Cost reduction Failure to seek out least cost solutions Rate-base Determination Used and useful, known and measureable, just and reasonable