Welcome (back) to English Composition and Rhetoric Please find your seats!
Today we will: Have a brief freewrite; Discuss potential questions regarding the syllabus; Formulate group goals for the semester; Discuss our homework findings and begin to define what ‘social justice’ means to us.
Free Writing (3 mins) Topic: “My goals for this class” 1.Go to our class page at Find “Post Your Work” > “Week 1” > “Freewrite August 26” 3.Write your freewrite in the comment box 4.Post when you’re done
Group Work: Student Goals Discuss the personal goals you formulated in your freewrite with your group members. Each group should contribute 2-3 goals to the syllabus. Appoint a presenter who will explain your group’s goals to the class. Post group goals to our website (Post Your Work > Week 1 > Group Goals). Exchange contact info for group work, emergencies, etc. 5 minutes!
Group Work: Your Ideas Survey the materials you’ve collected for homework and think about: Were you able to find at least one source for each of the three ideas? What kinds of sources did you find? How can you categorize your sources? Present your source collection to your group: summarize them and explain why they are important to you. Choose each student’s favorite source. Appoint a presenter who will introduce the class to the group’s top four sources.
Group Work: Defining Social Justice Collect your group members’s ideas on what Social Justice means to them. Write a paragraph that defines the term and include a list of topics and issues that belong to it. Post definition to our website (Post Your Work > Week 1 > Defining Social Justice). Appoint a presenter who will explain your group’s definition to the class.
Homework for Monday 1.Find an image that encapsulates the theme of social justice. 2.Write a paragraph describing what you see. 3.Write a second paragraph in which you explain why you think this image is about social justice. 4.Post your paragraphs to our website. 5.Print the image or store it on your computer so we can look at it in class on Monday.