French 3/4 Group 1 Irregular Verbs Review
Change the following phrases into a questions by replacing the underlined phrase with an interrogative pronoun. Il souvient de ce jour. Vous avez dormi bien. Elles ont vu la voiture.
Boire = to drink Je bois = I drink Tu bois = you drink Il/Elle/On boit = he/she/one drinks Nous buvons = we drink Vous buvez = y'all drink Ils/Elles boivent = they drink
Devoir = to have to (suggestion) Je dois = I must Tu dois = you must Il/Elle/On doit = he/she/one must Nous devons = we must Vous devez = y'all must Ils/Elles doivent = They must
Recevoir = to receive Je reçois = I receive Tu reçois = you receive Il/Elle/On reçoit = he/she/one receives Nous recevons = we receive Vous recevez = y'all receive Ils/Elles reçoivent = they receive
Suivre = to follow ; to take a class Je suis = I follow Tu suis = you follow Il/Elle/On suit = he/she/one follows Nous suivons = we follow Vous suivez = y'all follow Ils/Elles suivent = they follow
Write a song, poem or story or make a skit using devoir, boire, recevoir & suivre You will present them at the end of class if there is enough time. I will be grading them.
Il y aura un examen vendredi concernant les pronoms interrogatifs et les verbes irreguliers de groupe 1. We will have a review jeudi. I will post a PowerPoint covering les pronoms interrogatifs demain so that you can study.