Instructor: Dr. Patrick Tschida PUBH Environmental Health Presented By Arunachalam Subramanian Walden University July 30, 2011
Environmental Hazards in the Workplace Common Occupational Diseases in Ontario Workplace Injuries in Ontario Prevention of Injuries at Workplace Employee’s Responsibility in Injury Prevention Useful Links References
Physical Hazards Ergonomic Hazards Chemical Hazards Biological Hazards Moeller, D.W. (2005). Environmental Health. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Electrical hazards Unguarded machinery Mobile equipments Heights/Scaffolding Spills/Tripping hazards Extremes of Temperature/Pressure Vibration Constant loud noise Sunlight and other radiation hazards Moeller, D.W. (2005). Environmental Health. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Poor lighting Poor posture Improperly designed workstations and chairs Frequent lifting of heavy objects Awkward/Repetitive/Forceful movements Moeller, D.W. (2005). Environmental Health. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Psychological disorders (almost half of all claims) Musculoskeletal injuries and diseases Lung disease Cancer Traumatic injuries Occupational cardiovascular disease Reproductive disorders Neurological disorders Noise induced hearing loss Skin diseases Office of the Worker Adviser. (2011). Occupational Diseases. Retreived from
Slips and falls Fractures Dislocations Injuries to nerves and spinal cord Repetitive strain injuries MSD account for 40 % of all claims Back pain constitute 7% of all MSDs Health Canada. (2011). Environmental and Workplace Health. Retreived from
Conductive hearing loss Sensorineural hearing loss Health Canada. (2011). Environmental and Workplace Health. Retreived from
Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (White finger) Friction blisters Frost-bite Burns Silica in abrasions (Sarcoidal granulomas) Health Canada. (2011). Environmental and Workplace Health. Retreived from
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. (2011). Work – Work-related Injuries. Retreived from
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. (2011). Work – Work-related Injuries. Retreived from
Years Total Injuries/Illnesses 224, , , , ,862 Derived Number of Full-Time Equivalent Workers Covered by WSIB (rounded to the nearest million) Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. (2011). Health and Safety Statistics. Retreived from 5c819d7210VgnVCM c710aRCRD 5c819d7210VgnVCM c710aRCRD
Ministry of Labour (MOL) WSIB Traumatic Fatalities By Year of Death Total Traumatic Fatalities MOL & WSIB WSIB Occupational Disease Fatalities By Year Allowed Total Fatalities Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. (2011). Health and Safety Statistics. Retreived from d=2609e35c819d7210VgnVCM c710aRCRD d=2609e35c819d7210VgnVCM c710aRCRD
Years Self Employed or Owner Operator Youth: Under the age of 25 at the time of injury Women Motor Vehicle Incidents on Public Roads Federal Jurisdiction Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. (2011). Health and Safety Statistics. Retreived from 5c819d7210VgnVCM c710aRCRD 5c819d7210VgnVCM c710aRCRD
Awkward Posture and Positioning Excessive Force High Repetition Poor physical condition Direct Pressure / Contact Stress Vibration Cold and extreme temperatures (environmental factors) Fatigue Workplace Safety and Prevention Services. (2011). Workers. Retreived from
Engineering Controls Work Practice Controls Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Administrative Controls Take One Step. (2011). Workplace Hazards. Retreived from ehazards.aspx ehazards.aspx
Workstation Design and Set up Design of Work Methods Tools and Handle Design Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. (2011). Education and Training. Retreived from
Proper training of employees Proper techniques to improve posture Correct lifting techniques Proper maintenance of equipments and tools Correct use of workstations and fixtures Conditioning period for new employees Monitoring and Feedback Adjustments and Modifications Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. (2011). Education and Training. Retreived from
Proper fit Proper protection Should not increase ergonomic stressors Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. (2011). Education and Training. Retreived from
Providing sufficient rest pauses Considering overtime work related stress Increasing the number of employees for tough task Using job rotation Providing sufficient numbers of relief personnel Maintenance program for industrial equipments Effective housekeeping Ontario Ministry of Labour. (2010). Engaging Workplaces. Retreived from
What can be done to prevent injuries? Identify situations that can result in injuries Report any injuries or hazards immediately Refuse to work in unsafe situations Know about potential hazards in your workplace Participate in workplace health and safety issues Ontario Ministry of Labour. (2011). If I am Injured at Work. Retreived from = =2-5-0
Employer may be a family member or friend Do not want to upset by reporting injury Afraid of the boss thinking you inability to perform the job properly Thinking that the injury is not very serious Afraid of co-workers thinking less of you Ontario Ministry of Labour. (2010). Safe At Work Ontario Basics. Retreived from
Many organizations are involved in occupational health and safety in Canada and Ontario The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) of OntarioWSIB The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)CCOHS Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW)OHCOW Canada ’s National Occupational Health and Safety (CANOSH)CANOSH Labour Canada - The Human Resources and Skills Development department has some information on workplace safety workplace safety
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. (2011). Education and Training. Retreived from Health Canada. (2011). Environmental and Workplace Health. Retreived from Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. (2011). Work – Work-related Injuries. Retreived from Moeller, D.W. (2005). Environmental Health. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Office of the Worker Adviser. (2011). Occupational Diseases. Retreived from Ontario Ministry of Labour. (2010). Engaging Workplaces. Retreived from
Ontario Ministry of Labour. (2010). Safe At Work Ontario Basics. Retreived from Ontario Ministry of Labour. (2011). If I am Injured at Work. Retreived from Take One Step. (2011). Workplace Hazards. Retreived from ds.aspx ds.aspx Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. (2011). Health and Safety Statistics. Retreived from xtoid=2609e35c819d7210VgnVCM c710aRCRD xtoid=2609e35c819d7210VgnVCM c710aRCRD Workplace Safety and Prevention Services. (2011). Workers. Retreived from