Official iPad Communication Magical
My General Thoughts Haven’t found any real reason to use an iPad over my laptop In some cases there are extra steps required to make iPad useful For Example, Present Anywhere Step 1 create powerpoint on laptop Step 2 upload to mightymeeting. Step 3 open on iPad I’m still a bit afraid to “cut the cord” from my laptop I have left town with the iPad only Found myself a bit lost without complete access to the data on my laptop.
My General Thoughts Limitation due to constant connectivity requirements for some apps Mightymeeting (can’t refresh w/out connection) Mendeley NYT WSJ CourseSmart Constant connectivity is required for may who commute (I commute) Cost $60 a month to add iPad to my current service
My General Thoughts iPad’s usefulness depends on apps No real useful apps for marketing and or marketing research at the moment i.e., tools I can’t readily find using my laptop Some apps require financial investments E.g., WSJ for full access
My General Thoughts I don’t think the iPad is a real teaching tool yet This doesn’t mean it can’t be used by some as a teaching tool This is app dependent in a lot of cases I think the statement above is supported by the fact that the iPad is positioned as indulgent technology (next slide)
Having Said All of This… I have found some use for the following apps Wall Street Journal Mendeley Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research. Automatically generate bibliographies Collaborate easily with other researchers online Easily import papers from other research software Find relevant papers based on what you’re reading Access your papers from anywhere online Mendeley is of limited use to me now but it may improve over time
Final Thoughts I think the iPad is a real tool for you early adopters Excited about the tool Eager to seek out apps At this point in time one as to be very proactive in seeking out useful apps I feel the usefulness of the iPad depends on apps and connectivity
Final Thoughts I believe marketing text publishers will make more of their tools available for use on iPad It is a cool device and I have found many non-work related uses for it. I wish it could do for my academic life what it does for my non-academic life…and I’m sure it will in time