Technical and Professional Editing Editing: A thumbnail of the Big Picture From Rude, Carolyn. Technical Editing, 4 th ed.
Editors: Define the need, purpose, and scope of the document Work with writers and subject matter experts Review the text for completeness, accuracy, visual design, and overall effectiveness
Reader(s)Writer(s) Editor(s) Text
WriterEditor Why do editors work with writers?
The Product Team Client Project Manager Instructional Designers Programmers Graphic Artist Editor Writers
Editorial Functions and Responsibilities Text Editing: Making text complete, accurate, correct, comprehensible, usable, and appropriate for the readers Preparing documents for publication
Types of text editing: Comprehensive editing: Editor shares responsibility with writer for content and usability Basic Copyediting: Editor checks for correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar; for consistency in mechanics; and for accuracy and completeness
Discussion and Application Why technical editing? What questions/comments do you have?