TUPD02 BEAM DIAGNOSTICS FOR THE ESS BLM BPM Trans Profile Bunch Shape BCM Preliminary System Count A. Jansson, L. Tchelidze, ESS AB, Lund, Sweden Hybrid.


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Presentation transcript:

TUPD02 BEAM DIAGNOSTICS FOR THE ESS BLM BPM Trans Profile Bunch Shape BCM Preliminary System Count A. Jansson, L. Tchelidze, ESS AB, Lund, Sweden Hybrid Cryomodule Concept ESS Linac Parameters Preliminary Diagnostics Specs Position & Phase Monitors Transverse Profile Monitors Longitudinal Profile Monitors Beam Current Monitors Target Spot Size Monitors Beam Loss Monitors  5MW average beam power  2.5GeV protons (i.e. not H-)  50mA pulse current  352MHz bunch frequency  2.86ms pulse length  14Hz pulse repetition rate A final specification for beam diagnostics will come out of beam physics studies to be done during the Accelerator Design Update. Some working assumptions are made in the meantime. The beam loss monitoring system needs sufficient sensitivity to keep average losses below 1W/m, and enough time resolution and dynamic range to protect the machine from damage in case of fast beam loss. The beam position needs to be measured with an accuracy of a couple per cent of the beam size. The time of arrival, or phase, should be measured to a fraction of a degree of RF phase. The beam size needs to be measured with an accuracy of 10% or better. The bunch length needs to be measured with an accuracy of 10% or better. Need to measure halo at the level of or less of total beam. The beam profile on target needs to be measured with an accuracy of 10%. Non-linear elements may be used in the final focus, so this requirement will be best expressed in terms of beam density rather than size. With the notable exception of BLMs, which need to have a fast response to catastrophic losses, it is assumed that the measurements can be an average over the pulse, although it would be useful (in particular for BPMs) to be able to resolve differences in the head and tail to the train. Clearly, these specifications will evolve somewhat. Will likely use combination of Ionization chambers, scintillator/PMT and neutron detectors. Simulations to determine optimal detector types and locations are ongoing. BPMs will also supply beam phase Will likely use button BPMs (except perhaps in very front end) Digital electronics, possibly with analog downconversion. Several current transformers in LEBT/MEBT, and one at each major transitions. Experience from e.g. SNS says that with the except ion of the very front end, current transformers are only really used during commissioning (sensitivity too low to detect allowed operational losses). Wire scanners as base line, will investigate other methods (gas jet, ionization profile monitors, luminescense, …) Early work for SNS by Los Alamos indicate wire scanners compatible with SRF vacuum requirements can be built, carbon best wire material. Will investigate thinner wires (e.g. Fermilab 1um) May use screens, SEM grids/harps, slit scanner in front end. Feschenko type Bunch Shape Monitor appears best choice for short (10-40ps) ESS bunches. Will investigate other techniques (e.g. electro-optical). Foresee target spot size monitoring system similar to SNS. Will investigate other possibilities (eg. OTR from beam window)