Using a Personality Profile Assessment Tool for Student Success THURSDAY, JULY 30 Kelly Wuest and Jason Cifra College of Southern Nevada
Agenda Introductions. Career Exploration and Counseling needs at CSN. Identifying the Right Tool and Why TypeFocus Worked for us. Find Your CSN program. Screenshots of TypeFocus features. Benefits of having an Assessment tool. Observations Q&A.
Career Exploration and Counseling needs at CSN. 1.Lack of comprehensive and accessible tool for the majority of our students. 2.Need for collaboration between Career Services and Counseling Department in assisting students with Career Development. 3.Lack of ability to track students who have needs, but may not have followed through with services. 4.Need for statistics and tracking of provided services.
Identifying the Right Program. Identified different types of programs. Used students and staff to evaluate each program during demonstrations. Evaluated the cost, access, and features of each program. Identified the final program >>>Typefocus. Work with vendor for training and customization.
TypeFocus Personality Type Assessment Self-awareness, Setting Goals, Career Cluster, and Success at Work Success Factors Questionnaire Academic Success Employability Skills Improve employability skills (Resume, Interviews, and Communication). Administration Interface Features: » Customize options: Graphics, Immediate Reports » Program evaluation; add a variable; announcements. » Sort/Select/Communicate Hosted/Web Based. Unlimited Access to students and staff. Total cost was $2300 for three years. ($700 Discount + $1000 Perkin’s Grant + $600 Per Dept.)
Find Your CSN Students complete the TypeFocus Assessment series via the web. Students can consult with Counselors, Advisors, and Specialists to review report. With the students, Counselors and Advisors develop course of study and degree plans. Counselors, Advisors, Career Specialists cross refer to each other or other student support programs depending on Retention needs. Career Specialists provide Employment Skills development such as Resume and Cover Letter writing, Job Search/Career Exploration, and Interviewing Workshop. Track Student Progress! Student Success!
Quick View
Personality Profile
Success Factor Questionnaire
Admin Features
Sample Report Sections
Career Cluster
Benefits Tool to facilitate identification of careers for CTE students and adult learners. Students learn about themselves, their preferences, skills, and values. The result either provides new options or validate selected career paths. Having a shared tool provides Students, Counselors, Advisors, and Career Specialists a common focus in working together. Good introduction to assessment. Students have options on how much they complete depending on their needs. Development of a more comprehensive service and defined roles and responsibilities. Identifying and communicating with students who may have retention needs. Free!!!
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