Romanticism Art What sort of emotions is this art expected to envoke?
Thomas Cole, Voyage of Life Childhood. 1842, Oil On Canvas. Munson Williams Proctor Institute. Utica, NY. USA
Thomas Cole. Voyage of Life Youth. 1842, Oil on Canvas. Munson Williams Proctor Institute. Utica, NY. USA
Thomas Cole. Voyage of Life Old Age. 1842, Oil on Canvas. Munson Williams Proctor institute. Utica, NY. USA.
What Makes this art Romantic?
Caspar David FriedrichCaspar David Friedrich, Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, × inches, 1818, Oil on canvas, Kunsthalle HamburgWanderer above the Sea of FogKunsthalle Hamburg
Vue perspective du chateau et des jardins de VersaillesVue perspective du chateau et des jardins de Versailles, Pierre Patel, 17th century
What part of Romanticism do these portray?
Anne-Louis GirodetdeRoussy-Trioson(1801)Spirits of French Heroes. Oil On Canvas.
Delacruix. The Death of Sardanapalus Oil on canvas; 392 x 496 cm; Musée du Louvre, Paris
“Its chief emphasis was upon freedom of individual self- expression: sincerity, spontaneity, and originality became the new standards in literature…. Rejecting the ordered rationality of the Enlightenment as mechanical, impersonal, and artificial, the Romantics turned to the emotional directness of personal experience and to the boundlessness of individual imagination and aspiration.” Defining Romanticism- Chris Baldick, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms [New York: Oxford University Press, 1991], s.v.).
Michel-Ange Houasse. The Drawing Academy. C.1725, 61x72.5 cm. Oil on Canvas. Royal Palace, Madrid. Photo: copyright Patrimonio Nacional. An Example Of Enlightenment Art
What Makes That NOT Romantic?
SO REMEMBER- Romanticism IS………. Emotional Nature Humanistic Religious Breaking Away from order Spontaneous God in Nature Freedom The Individual Original Violent Sincere Imaginative Personal Experience Boundless