Library User Visits ASNAU Sponsored Extended Hours Ask a Librarian Chat Service Library Rooms Group Study Rooms Aug51109 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Individual Study RoomsMultimedia Studios Individual Study Rooms Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Multimedia Studios Aug5119 Sep9562 Oct15869 Nov21084 Dec13137 Jan67302 Feb Mar8657 Apr12694 May6230 Jun Jul Desktop PC Usage Cline Library’s popularity is booming and it shows in our count of users in the library each month. In September 2010, the library had 82,887 visits to the building from students, faculty, and the community. This is 17,562 more visits than in Sept Group study rooms, multimedia production studios, and individual carrels have been packed. During the Fall 2010 semester, the library’s Assembly Hall served as a classroom for over 6,000 students. During this same period, Cline Library completed almost 50,000 requests for items through Document Delivery Services, and digitized almost 2,500 items for classes to be used through Blackboard Vista in support of classes and assignments. We had almost 300,000 logins from the library’s computers and served over half a million users in the library. We assisted students via our service desks in the library, by telephone, , and introduced our new assistance via chat, with students coming to us with their questions from across the community—including from the 3 rd floor of the library! We introduced the library’s first mobile applications for all the smartphone addicted students, faculty, and staff. In fact, the library is so popular, it was voted as one of the places to invest ASNAU dollars to pilot extended library hours for Fall 2010 and Spring Hours were extended from 12 a.m. to 2 a.m. Sunday through Thursday, as well as extended hours on Friday and Saturday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Hourly user counts were taken to assess the usage of these extended hours. Cline Library added Chat and text as a way for users to communicate with library staff. The new Chat service started as a pilot project in Spring After great success, the Chat service was implemented as a continued service as of Fall 2010 and continues to grow in popularity. Cline Library offers fifteen group rooms and ten individual study rooms of various sizes available to NAU and CCC students. The group study rooms are available for groups of between two and 10 students for up to two hours. Whereas, the individual rooms are for private study for up to four hours at a time. These rooms are increasing in popularity. In Fall 2010, the group study rooms saw a 23% increase in usage from Fall 2009 and the individual study rooms saw an increase of 36%. In Fall semester 2008, one of the Media Services screening rooms was renovated and made into a self-service multimedia production studio, “Studio B.” Due to the overwhelming demand for Studio B, another screening room was converted into a second multimedia studio, “Studio C.” Each studio contains a 24’ iMac with iLife and other multimedia programs, a professional quality microphone and sound absorbing walls. Studio B also has a PC with the Adobe Master Collection. The Studios are open to all NAU users: students, staff, and faculty. Lending Laptops Cline Library offers laptops for checkout by students in our Media Services Department. We currently have 40 Dell PCs and 15 Macintosh computers available for checkout. The Library's laptop check-out service is funded by the NAU "Driving Student Success" IT fee. The library also has 170 highly used desktop computers throughout Cline’s over 200,000 square foot building. Questions Asked Number of Users in Library Total Monthly Users