PacIOOS Stakeholders Workshop Developing The Hawaii Ocean Observing System (HiOOS) One-stop-shop for Ocean information Chris Ostrander, PacIOOS Director.


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Presentation transcript:

PacIOOS Stakeholders Workshop Developing The Hawaii Ocean Observing System (HiOOS) One-stop-shop for Ocean information Chris Ostrander, PacIOOS Director Clean, Safe, Productive Ocean & Resilient Coastal Zone A partnership among Government Agencies NGOs, Industry, Academic and Indigenous Groups

National IOOS Program IOOS ® is a national program created to ensure the sustained observation of our nation's coastal oceans and to develop information products from those observations to assist people in their lives and livelihoods Marine operations Climate variability Ecosystems, fisheries, and water quality Coastal hazards Coastal and marine spatial planning

System Design

Coordination and Implementation

Pacific Islands Region

Two-Stage Implementation Hawaii Sub-region Activities Pacific Regional Activities Identify stakeholders Determine data and product needs Build partnerships for system growth Distribute data currently available Build governance framework Focused pilot project Observations Modeling Data integration Product development Education and outreach Build on existing observations

PacIOOS Prioritization of Effort Hawaii Guam CNMI American Samoa Priority Area 1 Marshall Islands Palau Micronesia US Minor Outlying Islands Priority Area 2

PacIOOS Governing Council

Stakeholder Sectors Fisheries Health and Water Quality Security Transportation MSP and Permitting Ecosystems Tourism Science Industry R&D

Initial Governing Council Regional Members Coast Guard Army Corps of Engineers Outrigger Hotels WPRFMC NOAA-CRED Regional Members Coast Guard Army Corps of Engineers Outrigger Hotels WPRFMC NOAA-CRED SOEST DOT-Harbors OP/CZM C&C Honolulu HCA Liquid Robotics HHUG SOEST DOT-Harbors OP/CZM C&C Honolulu HCA Liquid Robotics HHUG Guam Division of Aquatic and Wildlife Resources American Samoa EPA American Samoa EPA CNMI Governor’s Office US Sub-Regional Members Governing Council Affiliate Sub- regional Delegates Ex Officio Delegates Government of the FSM College of the Marshall Islands Palau Int. Coral Reef Center

HiOOS: Major Focus Areas Ocean-State and Forecast Ecosystem Information Coastal Hazards Water Quality Data Management and Visualization Numerical Modeling

Importance of Today’s Workshop Morning: presentations regarding system development to date Afternoon: rotating small group discussions on the key focus areas of PacIOOS in Hawaii: –Water quality –Coastal hazards –Ocean conditions –Biological observing –Modeling –Data management –Education/outreach RFP for FY11-15 released: July 1 st, 2010 Stakeholder workshops in insular Pacific –American Samoa: June 29 th, 2010 –CNMI: July 19 th, 2010 –Guam: July 21 st, 2010 Initial Governing Council meeting: July 29 th, 2010 Proposal for FY11-15 due October 2010
