EDC&I 585 5/11/11 What’d We Talk About Last Week? Organizing Our Discussions for This Week Setting the Stage for Next Week
Last Week We Said… Lanier – Such unsatisfying, inconsequential conclusions! – Uncertainty re the “recycling of cultural materials” that Web 2.0 brings – Is it true we’re having fewer interesting, technology-related breakthroughs? Or are we just not paying attention to the right things?
Misc “TBA” Readings (or watchings or explorations or …) for 5/25 – Suggestions? – Directions? – Brief brainstorming – share - decide
Questions Kelly (pt. 1) Do you agree with Kelly’s overall position that the technium is a “self-reinforcing” system with “noticeable measure of autonomy”? Is education really as hopeless as many commentators make it out to be? Does it show any of Kelly’s qualities of “deep progress”? Or maybe education today is just a “junky prototype” or “something that barely works”? If so, what are prospects for technology making it better? What determines whether an educational innovation “gets to market”? (p. 142)
For next week… Kelley pt. 2: – What does “embracing the technium” mean for education? – Given what Kelly says about technology and freedom, choice, specialization, diversity, how should schools be arranged and what uses should they make (or not make) of technology?