Landmark Classification in Large- scale Image Collections Yunpeng Li David J. Crandall Daniel P. Huttenlocher ICCV 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Landmark Classification in Large- scale Image Collections Yunpeng Li David J. Crandall Daniel P. Huttenlocher ICCV 2009

Outline Introduction Building Internet-Scale Datasets Image Classification Experiments Conclusion

Introduction Goal – Image classification on much larger datasets featuring millions of images and hundreds of categories Image classification – Multiclass SVM Flickr – landmark – Geotagged photos – Text tag

Introduction Number of imageCategory PASCAL VOC 2008[7] LabelMe[13] Tiny Images[16]Millionsnone

Building Internet-Scale Datasets Long-term goal – to create large labeled datasets To retrieve Flickr 60 million geotagged photos – x, y coordinates Eliminate photos (worse than about a city block) -> 30 million photos Mean shift cluster – radius of the disc is about 100m[3] Peaks in the photo density distribution[5] – at most 5 photos from any given Flickr user towards any given peak Top 500 peaks as categories – 500 th peak has 585 photos – 1000 th peak has 284 photos Final Dataset 1.9 million photos

Top 5 categories

Image Feature(visual) Visual word Clustering SIFT descriptors from photos in the training set k-means Approximate nearest neighbor(ANN)[1] Form a frequency vector which counts the number of occurrences of each visual word in the image Normalize L2-norm of 1

Image Feature(text tag) At least 3 different users Binary vector indicate presence or absence Normalize L2-norm of 1

Image Feature(Combination) WordsABCD Freq.2102 Tags1234 Pres.1111 Normalize L2-norm of 1 Word s ABCDTags1234 Freq.2/31/302/3Pres.1/2

Image Classification Find which class has the highest score – m is the number of classes – x is the feature vector of an image – is the weighting model – is the score for class y under w It’s by nature a multiway(as opposed to binary) classification problem

Image Classification Multiclass SVM[4] to learn model w – Using the SVM software package[9] A set of training examples – Multiclass SVM optimize the objective function

Experiments(1/6) Dataset 2 million images Each of these experiments evenly divided the dataset into test and training image sets The number of images used in an m-way classification experiment, the baseline probability of a correct random guess is 1/m.



Experiments(4/6) 20 well-traveled people to each label 50 photos taken at the world’s top ten landmarks. Textual tags were also shown for a random subset of the photos. the average human classification accuracy was 68.0% without textual tags and 76.4% when both the image and tags were shown Thus the humans performed better than the automatic classifier when using visual features alone (68.0% versus 57.55%) but about the same when both text and visual features were available (76.4% versus 80.91%).

Experiments(5/6) Visual vocabulary K 20% 50%

Experiments(6/6) Image classification on a single 2.66 GHz cpu – total time 2.4s – most of which is consumed by SIFT interest point detection If SIFT features are extracted, classification requires only – 3.06 ms for 200 categories – 0.15 ms for 20 categories

Conclusion Creating large labeled image datasets from geotagged image collections, which nearly 2 million are labeled. Demonstrate multiclass SVM classifiers using SIFT-based bag-of-word features achieve quite good classification rates for largescale problems, with accuracy that in some cases is comparable to that of humans on the same task. With text features from tagging, the accuracy can be hundreds of times the baseline.