Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education: A useful driver? Mark Russell Deputy Director of Blended Learning Unit (BLU) Lauren Anderson Technology Mentor BLU Elizabeth Terry Marketing Assistant BLU Helen BarefootDeputy Head of the Learning Teaching Institute(LTI) The Learning and Teaching Institute incorporating The Blended Learning Unit a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Seminar Original study - background Suitable for us at UH? Relating to practice Student thoughts Concluding thoughts and discussions The Learning and Teaching Institute incorporating The Blended Learning Unit a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Brief history of the 7 principles The Learning and Teaching Institute incorporating The Blended Learning Unit a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Invited small task force of scholars (12) React to 8 principles – produce a list of no more than 9 at end of two days Wanted emphasis on the how rather than the what of effective undergraduate education Insisted that principles be “accessible, understandable, practical and widely applicable” The Learning and Teaching Institute incorporating The Blended Learning Unit a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Brief history of the 7 Principles
Going public … Published in March 1987 issue of AAHE Bulletin 250 participants Inventories published Autumn 1989 – Faculty inventory – Institutional inventory The Learning and Teaching Institute incorporating The Blended Learning Unit a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Good practice in undergraduate education… 1.Encourages contact between students and lecturers 2.Develops reciprocity and cooperation among students 3.Encourages active learning 4.Gives prompt feedback 5.Emphasises time on task 6.Communicates high expectations 7.Respects diverse talents and ways of learning The Learning and Teaching Institute incorporating The Blended Learning Unit a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Institutional Inventory 1.Climate St & fac, student reps, hard work! 2.Academic Practices Work / life, graduates, clear criteria … 3.Curriculum Hands on, choice, cultural diversity 4.Faculty On campus, time for CPD, fac feedback 5.Academic and student support services Counselling, studs act as advisors, help for poor record 6.Facilities Classrooms, public transport, café, comfy spaces The Learning and Teaching Institute incorporating The Blended Learning Unit a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Relevance for UH? Good common sense Accessible language Stood the test of time Not subject specific “address the teacher’s how, not the subject matter what…” Considers ‘student experience’ Positive feedback from staff The Learning and Teaching Institute incorporating The Blended Learning Unit a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Principles in practice Research literature Case studies Quick ideas / hints tips - general
Quick ideas
A domain of scholarship? Number of people Scholarship
Student Thoughts The Learning and Teaching Institute incorporating The Blended Learning Unit a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Video The Learning and Teaching Institute incorporating The Blended Learning Unit a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Summary of student’s comments “ You don’t have a good relationship with your tutors and are not encouraged to talk to them therefore you end up working on your own”- #1 Student-staff contact “Teachers get defensive and don’t answer the question given very well”- #1 Student-staff contact “I’m not actively learning anything they just give us the task and we do it by ourselves”- #3 Active learning “We get given a task that should take half an hour but it gets given to us for a whole hour so I’m just sitting there bored and not learning from it”- #6 Communicate high expectations “Staff should say when they are available and when they’re not to stop people turning up at pot luck”- #1 Student-staff contact Negative comments The Learning and Teaching Institute incorporating The Blended Learning Unit a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
“In engineering my lecturer wrote down examples on a tablet PC and put this on to StudyNet…”- #3 Active learning “I make maximum use of the LRC and journal”- #7 Respects diverse talents and ways of learning “Most of my law lecturers record the lesson so I can watch it back when I like”- #3 & #7 “My most enjoyable learning experience was when I used a voting system”- #3 Active learning “In Spanish we use the labs which I have never used before so that was quite cool”- #3 & #7 Summary of student’s comments Positive comments The Learning and Teaching Institute incorporating The Blended Learning Unit a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Effective Assessment #5 Time on Task #6 Communicate high expectations #3 Active learning The Learning and Teaching Institute incorporating The Blended Learning Unit a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Effective Assessment #4 Prompt feedback #6 Communicate high expectations The Learning and Teaching Institute incorporating The Blended Learning Unit a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Effective Assessment #1 Encourages contact between students and staff #2 Develops reciprocity and cooperation among students #7 Diverse talents and ways of learning The Learning and Teaching Institute incorporating The Blended Learning Unit a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Effective Assessment #4 Give prompt feedback #2 Develops reciprocity and cooperation among students The Learning and Teaching Institute incorporating The Blended Learning Unit a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Where next? How should we use the Principles? Levels of granularity – Students ? – You ? – Module teams ? – Programme teams ? – Schools ? – UH ? How to take forward