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Presentation transcript:

Section 1: Mission Overview Mission Statement Mission Requirements Mission Overview Theory and Concepts Literature Review Concept of Operations Expected Results 2

Section 2: System Overview Physical Model Critical Interfaces Requirement Verification User Guide Compliance Section 3: Subsystem Design Energy Harvesting Subsystem Structural Subsystem Electrical Subsystem Visual Verification Subsystem 3

Section 4: Prototyping Plan Projected Prototyping Process Prototype Risk Assessment Section 5: Project Management Plan Organizational Chart Schedule Budget Work Breakdown Schedule Sharing Logistics 4

Develop and test a system that will use piezoelectric materials to convert mechanical vibrational energy into electrical energy to trickle charge on-board power systems. 6

NumberRequirement MIS-REQ Must be able to convert vibrational energy to electrical energy MIS-REQ Must be able to withstand launch environments MIS-REQ Final design must meet RockSAT specifications MIS-REQ Must be functional during flight MIS-REQ Must not interfere with canister partner’s design 7

Demonstrate feasibility of power generation via piezoelectric effect under Terrier-Orion flight conditions Determine optimal piezoelectric material for energy conversion in this application Classify relationships between orientation of piezoelectric actuators and output voltage Data will benefit future RockSAT and CubeSAT missions as a potential source of power Data will be used for feasibility study 8

Piezoelectric Material substance with linear electromechanical interaction between mechanical and electrical states in crystalline materials Piezoelectric Effect electrical potential (voltage) developed within a piezoelectric material in response to an applied pressure or stress. 9

Where D is electric displacement, ε is permittivity, and E is electric field strength Where S is mechanical strain, s is compliance, and T is mechanical stress Superscript e denotes a zero/constant electric field; Superscript t denotes a zero/constant stress field; d indicates piezoelectric constants 10

11 Bonded to cantilevered aluminum strips with mass attached to free end Dynamic deflection under vibration and g-loading will create voltage potential Array of piezoelectric actuators Various orientations will account for vibrations in multiple directions Bernoulli_beam_equation

12 Place mass at end of beam to achieve maximum deflection under vibration Model with point load Top: Bending Moment, M(x) Middle: Shear Force, Q(x) Bottom: Deflection, δ(x) Bernoulli_beam_equation

13 Uniform, distributed load when subjected to g-forces during launch Model with load acting along length of beam Top: Bending Moment, M(x) Middle: Shear Force, Q(x) Bottom: Deflection, δ(x) Bernoulli_beam_equation

Electric potential (voltage) developed throughout piezoelectric actuators in AC form AC voltage conditioned using a full-bridge rectifier Accumulated in a capacitor Monitored using a voltmeter Recorded using data acquisition system (DAQ) 14

Piezoelectric Generator Harvesting Bike Vibrations Energy to Supply Portable Devices E. Minazara, D. Vasic, and F. Costa Piezoelectric generator that harvests mechanical vibration energy and produces electricity Determined optimal band to harvest energy 12.5Hz Modeled piezoelectric beam as spring mass damper system Produced ~3.5mW electricity capable of powering LED 15

Recent Progress in Piezoelectric Conversion and Energy Harvesting Using Nonlinear Electronic Interfaces and Issues in Small Scale Implementation D. Guyomar and M. Lallart Design of an efficient microgenerator must consider: Maximization of input energy Maximization of electromechanical energy Optimization of energy transfer Increase conversion abilities by: Increase voltage Reduce time shift between speed and voltage Increase coupling term 16

A Review of Power Harvesting Using Piezoelectric Materials S. R. Anton and H. A. Sodano PZT widely used Extremely brittle Piezoceramics prone to fatigue crack growth when subjected to high-frequency cyclic loading PVDF exhibits considerable flexibility Flexible materials more beneficial Practical coupling modes -31: Force applied perpendicular to poling direction -33: Force applied in same direction as poling 17

A Review of Power Harvesting Using Piezoelectric Materials S. R. Anton and H. A. Sodano High power output situations Stack configurations most durable in high-force environments When driving frequency is at resonant frequency of the system 18

Comparison of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Devices for Recharging Batteries H. A. Sodano and D. J. Inman Researchers tested energy-harvesting qualities of three different piezoelectric materials Lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT) Quick Pack bimorph actuator material (QP) Macro Fiber Composite (MFC) Measured vibration of compressor, using piezo samples as accelerometers – output in volts Full-bridge rectifiers used to condition signal from oscillating AC into DC to charge batteries 19

Comparison of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Devices for Recharging Batteries H. A. Sodano and D. J. Inman Efficiencies varied by material QP most effective for resonant frequencies (~8 to 9%) PZT most effective for random vibrations (~4 to 4.5%) MFC significantly less effective than PZT and QP Low-current, high-voltage output lacks the strength to charge batteries and is easily dissipated by diodes in circuit QP charged batteries fastest under resonant frequencies; PZT charged the best with random vibration. 20

Piezoelectric Sea Power Generator R. M. Dickson Operating principle Attempted to harness mechanical energy of waves as changes in pressure acting upon piezoelectric mats Minimally intrusive to ecosystem Important implications for this project Studies show that static pressure alone does not induce a charge in piezoelectric materials Piezo arrays must be continuously deformed to create an electric potential that can be harvested 21

G-switch will trip upon launch, activating all onboard power systems Batteries power Arduino microprocessor and data storage unit Data collection begins Vibration and g-loads on piezo arrays create electric potential registered on voltmeter Current conditioned to DC through full-bridge rectifier and run to voltmeter Voltmeter output recorded to internal memory Data gathered throughout duration of flight 22

Data acquisition and storage will enable researchers to monitor input from multiple sources XY-plane vibrational energy Z-axis vibrational energy Researchers will determine if amount of power generated is sufficient for the power demands of other satellites Include visual verification of functionality Use energy from piezo arrays to power small LED Onboard digital camera will verify LED illumination 23

Piezoelectric beam array will harness enough vibrational energy to generate and store voltage sufficient to power satellite systems Success dependent on following factors: Permittivity of piezoelectric material Mechanical stress, which is related to the amplitude of vibrations Frequency of vibrations 24

26 Microcontroller Power Supply Accelerometers Piezo Arrays Camera Verification LED

27 EPS – Electrical Power Subsystem Includes Arduino microprocessor, g-switch, accelerometers, voltmeter, battery power supply, and all related wiring STR – Structural Subsystem Includes Rocksat-C decks and support columns PEA – Piezoelectric Array Subsystem Includes piezoelectric bimorph actuators, cantilever strips, mounting system, rectifier, and related wiring VVS – Visual Verification Subsystem Includes digital camera, LED, and all related wiring

Interface NameBrief DescriptionPotential Solution EPS-STR The electrical power system boards will need to mount to the RockSat-C deck to fix them rigidly to the launch vehicle. The connection should be sufficient to survive 20Gs in the thrust axis and 10 Gs in the lateral axes. Buckling is a key failure mode. Past experiences show that stainless steel or aluminum stand-offs work well. Sizes and numbers required will be determined by CDR. STR-PEA The piezoelectric bimorph actuators must integrate into the structure without introducing a hazard to the operations of other satellite operation. The structure must also be designed such that the oscillatory motions of the piezo array cantilevers will not be impeded. Fracture is a key failure mode. Testing will verify mounting methods and loading limitations of piezo actuators. Testing will also determine ideal range of deformation for maximum power generation. PEA-EPS The piezoelectric actuators must be wired correctly to ensure a voltage signal reaches the voltmeter and is registered by the DAQ. AC signal may need to be conditioned to DC with a rectifier and amassed using an inline capacitor. Testing will verify whether parallel or series wiring should be used. VVS-STR The components (camera, LED) of the visual verification system must be mounted to the RockSat-C deck to fix them rigidly to the launch vehicle. The connection should be sufficient to survive 20Gs in the thrust axis and 10 Gs in the lateral axes. Utilize stainless steel or aluminum standoffs, as in EPS-STR interface above. VVS-PEA The LED component of the visual verification system must illuminate when a voltage is generated by the piezo arrays. Wire LED in series with PEA to ensure proper illumination. EPS-VVS The camera component of the visual verification system must be powered from a steady, reliable source. Camera data must also be stored for playback after the flight. Power camera from same battery source as microprocessor. 28

RequirementDescriptionVerification Method The full system shall fit in the allotted space within the canister. Visual inspection will verify this requirement. Inspection The system shall survive the vibration characteristics prescribed by the RockSAT-C program. The system will be subjected to these vibration loads during preliminary testing on an associated institution’s vibration table, as well as in June during testing week. Test The power supply shall be engaged via the g-switch and all electronic systems powered on upon launch. The minimum load needed to activate the g-switch and engage electronic systems will be calculated to ensure proper functionality under launch conditions. Analysis The piezoelectric actuators shall develop a recordable level of electric potential. Preliminary testing will ensure a potential is developed when bimorph piezoelectric actuators are deformed. Test The microprocessor shall record and store all voltage, current, and visual data for duration of flight. Arduino microprocessor will be programmed and checked to ensure proper collection of flight data prior to testing. Demonstration The camera shall record all activity the LED experiences. The camera will be checked for functionality and successful integration into electrical system prior to testing. Demonstration 29

Magnitude of mass to be determined by CDR CG – to be determined based on design, dictated by pre-CDR testing and validation Low voltage electrical components used No ports required 30

32 Rigid Mounting DeckSupport Column

34 Aluminum Cantilever Mass Fastener Piezoelectric Strip Support Block Redundant Assembly for Multi-plane Vibration

35 Mounted to Lower DeckAttached with Fastener

37 Piezoelectric Power Output LED Arduino Microcontroller Camera Power Supply Rectifier Piezoelectric Power Output LED Rectifier High-G Accelerometer Low-G Accelerometer G-Switch

38 Arduino ATMEGA328 Microprocessor (Open Source) Record and store data on 2GB SD card Vibration data from accelerometers Voltage output from piezoelectric materials Powered by four (4) AA replaceable batteries Operating Voltage5V Input Voltage6-20V Digital I/O Pins14 (6 can provide PWM output) Analog Input Pins6 DC Current per I/O Pin40mA DC Current for 3.3V Pin50mA Flash Memory32KB 0.5KB used by boot loader SRAM2KB EEPROM1KB Clock Speed16MHz

39 Two (2) Low-G Accelerometers Analog Devices ADXL206 Dual-Axis Two (2) High-G Accelerometers Analog Devices ADXL278 Dual-Axis Low-G AccelerometerHigh-G Accelerometer Range +/- 5g +/- 35g Sensitivity312 mV/g27mV/g Output TypeAnalog Noise Density 110 µg/rtHz180 µg/rtHz Temperature Range -40 ° C to 175 ° C -40°C to 105°C Size13mm x 8mm x 2mm5mm x 5mm x 2mm Operating Voltage V Power700 µV at VS=5V2.2mA at Vs=5V

40 Bridge Rectifiers Four (4) Diode Schottky 1A 20V MBS-1 G-Switch One (1) Omron Basic Roll Lever Switch SS-5GL2 SpeedRecovery ≤ 500ns Current1 Amp Voltage20V Max at Peak Reverse Temperature Range-55°C to 150°C Operating Force50 gf Contact 125 VAC Voltage20V Max at Peak Reverse Temperature Range-25°C to 85°C Weight1.6 g

42 Piezoelectric Wire Output LED EPS Power Supply Camera

Runs on 12VDC, 100mA Size: 0.98” sq. x 0.8” 43 IMAGING SPECIFICATIONS Imager ManufacturerSony Lines420 Lux LENS SPECIFICATIONS Max FOV (degrees)72 PinholeYes POWER REQUIREMENTS Amps DC (mA)100 Power Supply IncludedNo Volts DC Input12 curity-Cameras/Micro-Video- Cameras/PC180XP2 Super B/W Microvideo Pinhole Camera

5mm through-hole LED 360-degree viewing angle Low power consumption 44 moreinfo/component-leds/5mm- white-led-360-degree-viewing- angle-4500-millilumens/341/1288 White 5mm LED General Specifications Lumen4.5 Viewing Angle360 deg Wattage Consumption0.064 W ColorCool White Color Temperature7350 K

46 STR Structural Subsystem will be designed and analyzed primarily using CAD and FEM techniques Prototype to be constructed and tested for fitment and mounting methods PEA Piezoelectric actuators will be tested to determine deformation limits and optimal deformation for energy harvesting Mounting/bonding methods to be explored upon construction of first prototypes

47 EPS Electronic interfaces will be table-tested with breadboard and reconfigurable components Testing will help to determine system capabilities VVS Testing will help to determine system capabilities and effects on other subsystems

EPS Functionality of microcontroller must be verified by CDR Prototype controller on bread board to verify function PEA Bond between PE actuators and aluminum must not fail Test various bonding materials and application methods STR Concerns exist about clearance and component mounting Prototype all interfaces with STR to ensure integrity Risk/ConcernActionSubsystem 48 VVS LED must light, camera must not fail to record actions of LED Test LED with PEA to verify power draw; test camera to ensure functionality


November /3 Order parts Piezo samples, electronics, structural materials 11/7 PDR due 11/14 Senior Design Written Proposal due Begin Testing Samples (vibe, electronics) 11/17 Senior Design Proposal Presentation 11/21 Online Progress Report due 51 RockSat Deadlines Drexel Deadlines

December 2011 – January 2012 Continue testing and verification of all structures and parts for use in proposed assembly Order additional parts as needed Make necessary modifications 12/8 CDR due 1/9 Flights Awarded 1/30 Online Progress Report due 52

February Continue testing and integration 2/6 – Midterm Draft Report due 2/13 – Subsystem Testing Reports due 2/27 – Progress Presentation to Faculty Advisor March Continue testing and integration 3/12 – Online Progress Report due 3/19 – Project Progress Report due April 3/9 – Senior Design Project Abstract due 4/15 – Payload Canister Received Integration of components with canister 53 Estimated Spring Schedule

April, continued First Full Mission Testing (vibration, etc.) 4/23 – First Full Mission Simulation Test Report Presentation due May Continue Full Mission Testing and modifications Weekly teleconferences 5/14 – Final Senior Design Project Report due 5/21 – Final Project Presentation 5/28 – Launch Readiness Review (LRR) Presentation due 5/30 – College of Engineering Project Competition June Wallops 54 Estimated Spring Schedule, continued

55 Spending to date: $94.44 Estimated final total: $ Major Cost Contributors Digital Camera - $ Piezoelectric Components - $150 Major Time Contributors Piezoelectric Components – 7-10 days Accelerometers – 7-10 days

56 ItemSubsystemSupplierCostLead Time 12"x12“ Polycarbonate Sheet STRMcMaster-Carr$7.231 day +/- 35g AccelerometerEPSDigiKey$ days +/- 3g AccelerometerEPSDigiKey7-10 days G-SwitchEPSDigiKey$ days Arduino ATmega 128 microprocessor EPS7-10 days Bridge rectifierEPSDigiKey days Piezo Electric Parallel Bimorph Actuator PEASteminc$19.98/set of days Digital CameraVVSSuper Circuits$ days

57 ItemSubsystemSupplierCostLead Time LED$ days TBD PIEZO MAT'LPEA – testingTBD$75TBD TBD PIEZO MAT'LPEA – testingTBD$75TBD TBD PIEZO MAT'LPEA – final installationTBD$150TBD TBD CIRCUITRY COMPONENTS EPS – testingTBD [DigiKey]$50TBD TBD CIRCUITRY COMPONENTS EPS – final installationTBD [DigiKey]$50TBD 1/8" x 1" Rectangular Aluminum Stock STRMcMaster-Carr$ day TBD STRUCTURAL MATERIALS STRTBD [McMaster]$50TBD

Temple University Plan for Collaboration , phone, campus visits Full model designed in SolidWorks for fit check DropBox/Google Docs for file sharing Structural interface Consider clearance Joining method 58

Conduct functionality tests of subsystems PEA material strength testing EPS functionality test Determine final materials to be used Procure parts and begin assembly Fabricate structures for assembly 60