Martin Gudgin Program Manager Microsoft Corporation Chris Sells Program Manager Microsoft Corporation
“M” Modeling language Visual Studio “Quadrant” Modeling tool Repository Model store YOU ARE HERE
Repository Family of Platform Stores Message Box Platform Instance Data Modeling Language Monitoring Data Work Items Work Items Versioned Source Versioned Source Application Metadata
system catalog, Change Data Capture, replication, SSIS, mirroring, security, etc. SQL Server Features Repository catalog, secure views, auditing, versioning, claims-based security, glob/loc, etc. Repository Features
M.exe Domain Model Compiler M.exe Domain Model Compiler MX.exe Domain Model Loader MX.exe Domain Model Loader ModelA.m ModelB.m ModelC.m SQL Server SQL Server M Framework
C:\>m.exe trivial.m Syntax and type check... C:\trivial.m(5,18): error M0152: Type error Literal '42' cannot be converted to type 'Text'.
10 C:\>m.exe /t:repository orderitem.m // orderitem.m module MyModule { type OrderItem { Id : Integer32 = AutoNumber(); Description : Text; Quantity : Integer32; } where identity Id; OrderItems : OrderItem*; }... create table [MyModule].[OrderItemsTable] ( [Id] int not null identity, [Description] nvarchar(max) not null, [Quantity] int not null, constraint [PK_OrderItems] primary key clustered ([Id]) );... orderitem.sql:
12 c:\Project2>msbuild project2.csproj... Build started 2/4/ :14:02 AM. Project "c:\Project2\project2.csproj" on node 0 (default targets). Running M Compiler c:\Project2> dir bin\debug\orderitem.sql... 02/05/ :22 PM 882 orderitem.sql
C:\>m.exe /t:repository /p:image size.m C:\>dir 08/24/ :14 PM 62,612
C:\>m.exe /t:repository /p:image person.m / C:\>dir 08/24/ :17 PM 9,675
module Entertainment { type Movies {... Folder:Integer32; // G, PG, R, etc. }
// friendships.m module Microsoft.PDC { import System.Identity; type Friendship { Id : Integer32 = AutoNumber(); ContextParty : Party; ReferencedParty : Party; } where identity Id; Friendships : Friendship* where item.ContextParty in Parties, item.ReferencedParty in Parties; } // friendships.m module Microsoft.PDC {... type Friendship2 : Friendship { // default for old (and new) clients LoveIndex : Integer32 = 5; } Friendships2 : Friendship2* where item.ContextParty in Parties, item.ReferencedParty in Parties; // updateable view Friendships() : Friendship* { from f in Friendships2 select f }
"M" Language Specification to be released under OSP
Use the bits Read these documents Repository Design Overview Repository Lifecycle Overview Go see the other talks A Lap Around “Oslo” “Oslo”: The Language “Oslo”: Customizing and Extending the Visual Design Experience “Oslo”: Building Textual DSLs
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