Baldwin & Lyons (BWINB-BWINA) Christian Gabis Yuange Yang
Fleet Insurance (Protective) Auto Insurance (Sagamore) Insure Companies Like FedEx
Combined Ratio The combined ratio of BWINB has been around 70%. This is a good thing! They are very conservative about their underwriting. They write for profit and not for market share.
Fixed Income (Bonds) Majority Some Equity Investments Some Limited Partnership Investments Overall They Have Invested Quite Profitably
There has been some insider buying in the $16 range Large holders account for over 47% of outstanding shares The company has been buying back shares aggressively since it is selling below book value This will increase book value!
A.M. Best top rating of A+ Market Price: $17.87 Market Cap: $267 Million Near 6% Dividend ($1 per share last year) Earnings will be cyclical for this company Average Earnings appear to be about $2 per share Combined Ratio of approximately 70%
This company could pay out a dividend of around $260 Million (Market Cap of $267!) It is selling at 80% of book value No Analyst Coverage Apply a PE of 10 and you can get $20 a share No LT Debt!