UM is Tobacco Free A Guide for the Campus Community The University of Montana provides a safe and healthy environment for its employees, students, and visitors. In light of the U.S. Surgeon General's findings that exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke and use of tobacco causes significant health hazards, The University of Montana will become a tobacco-free environment, effective Fall Semester Find out more at
Tobacco Free UM Policy #406.1 – Effective August 28, 2011 – “The University of Montana prohibits tobacco use in or on property owned, leased, or used for specific events by the University or any of its components.” – “The Office of Public Safety has the responsibility to enforce this policy. “ – “Members of the community should report persistent violators to the Director of Human Resource Services and the Dean of Students for appropriate personnel policy or student conduct code action.”
The Role of Public Safety – Officers will request compliance in a non-confrontational manner that does not include a stop – Respond to complaints of persistent violators – May report students repeatedly in violation to the Dean of Students – May report employees repeatedly in violation to Human Resources or Supervisors
The Role of UM Campus Community – Please follow the Tobacco Free UM policy – Remind others about the policy – Don’t litter cigarette butts on or off campus – Report problem areas by visiting the Tobacco Free UM website – File a complaint of persistent violations by visiting Tobacco Free UM website
What do you say to someone who is smoking on campus? It can be intimidating, but remember that most tobacco users want to quit. Try the SMOKE approach: S MILE and introduce yourself M AKE THE ASSUMPTION that they do not know about the policy and tell them about it O FFER the person cessation help at Curry Health Center or Faculty- Staff Wellness K INDLY remind them of the policy E NFORCE the policy by asking them to dispose of their tobacco
What can smokers do while on campus? – UM does not require that anyone quit using tobacco, but in order to provide a clean and safe academic environment with access for all, UM has decided to go tobacco free. – There are many over-the-counter nicotine/tobacco replacements available. Many are the same price or less than cigarettes themselves. – Use the “Good Neighbor Zones” – We encourage those who do not want to quit to create a plan for coping while on campus. Refer to the Create a Plan for Compliance document for some helpful tips.
What Resources are available to employees who want to quit? – MUS wellness cessation program Visit: – Montana QuitLine QUIT-NOW A comprehensive list of resources can be found at
What Resources are available to students who want to quit? – Curry Health Center Quit smoking/chewing kits Counseling through CAPS Visit: – Montana QuitLine QUIT-NOW A comprehensive list of resources can be found at