Honduras The origin of actress America Ferrera By: Molly Mann
History 400 years ago Spanish Conquers landed on the beaches of Honduras in search of gold and new land. They found Natives instead. 400 years ago Spanish Conquers landed on the beaches of Honduras in search of gold and new land. They found Natives instead. The Spanish Conquers took the Indians and held them captive in concentration camps. There they were used as slaves and forced to dig for gold. The Spanish Conquers took the Indians and held them captive in concentration camps. There they were used as slaves and forced to dig for gold. While held captive the Indians were told to either become Catholic or die. Many Indians converted in fear of death and the rest that did not convert were brutally murdered. Some managed to escape and fought for their land and Country. While held captive the Indians were told to either become Catholic or die. Many Indians converted in fear of death and the rest that did not convert were brutally murdered. Some managed to escape and fought for their land and Country. The Indian chief from the Lenca Indian Tribe managed to escape. When free he raised an army of more than 20,000 Indians to fight against the Catholic Spaniards. Eventually the Spanish army overtook the Indians and killed the leader of the Lenca Indian Tribe, Cacique Lempira. The Indian chief from the Lenca Indian Tribe managed to escape. When free he raised an army of more than 20,000 Indians to fight against the Catholic Spaniards. Eventually the Spanish army overtook the Indians and killed the leader of the Lenca Indian Tribe, Cacique Lempira. Honduras became a Roman Catholic state after their defeat against the Spainards. Honduras became a Roman Catholic state after their defeat against the Spainards. Cacique Lempira today is a national hero in Honduras. Cacique Lempira today is a national hero in Honduras. The currency in Honduras is called Lempira. It is named after the leader of the Lenca Indian Tribe. Almost 15 lempira's make one U.S. dollar. The currency in Honduras is called Lempira. It is named after the leader of the Lenca Indian Tribe. Almost 15 lempira's make one U.S. dollar.
Honduran Flag The Blue Stripes- the sea and the sky - vigilance, truth and loyalty, perseverance & justice The Blue Stripes- the sea and the sky - vigilance, truth and loyalty, perseverance & justice The White Stripes- peace and honesty The White Stripes- peace and honesty The 5 Stars- members of the former Federal Republic of Central America - Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Honduras, and Nicaragua. The 5 Stars- members of the former Federal Republic of Central America - Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Honduras, and Nicaragua.
Religion The main religion is Christianity/Catholic The main religion is Christianity/Catholic There is a small percentage of Protestants. They attend church regularly. There is a small percentage of Protestants. They attend church regularly. There is also a small percentage of Jews and Muslims. There is also a small percentage of Jews and Muslims.
Cultural and Religious Celebrations Between December 25 th and January 1 st, Garifuna men celebrate Yancunú. Yancunú is celebrated through dancing and singing. It is a celebration that brings prosperity in the coming year. Between December 25 th and January 1 st, Garifuna men celebrate Yancunú. Yancunú is celebrated through dancing and singing. It is a celebration that brings prosperity in the coming year. On January 15 th of each year, Pilgrims from Honduras travel to Esquipulas, Guatemala to view the dark skinned sculpture of Jesus. On January 15 th of each year, Pilgrims from Honduras travel to Esquipulas, Guatemala to view the dark skinned sculpture of Jesus. February 2 nd is the feast day of the Virgin of Suyapa. Virgin of Suyapa is Honduras's patron saint. In the basilica, in Suyapa, there is a tiny wooden image of her that is believed to have miraculous powers. February 2 nd is the feast day of the Virgin of Suyapa. Virgin of Suyapa is Honduras's patron saint. In the basilica, in Suyapa, there is a tiny wooden image of her that is believed to have miraculous powers. Independence day is September 15 th. Independence day is September 15 th. The Birthday of the national leader Francisco Morazán is on October 3 rd. He was the last president of the United Provinces of Central America. The United Provinces of Central America was a federation that only lasted from 1823 to The Birthday of the national leader Francisco Morazán is on October 3 rd. He was the last president of the United Provinces of Central America. The United Provinces of Central America was a federation that only lasted from 1823 to 1842.
Sports The most popular sport in Honduras is fútbol. The most popular sport in Honduras is fútbol. The governing body of fútbol in Honduras is the Federación Nacional Autónoma de Fútbol de Honduras. The governing body of fútbol in Honduras is the Federación Nacional Autónoma de Fútbol de Honduras. Honduras has taken part in the Summer Olympics eight times and the Winter Olympics in Honduras has taken part in the Summer Olympics eight times and the Winter Olympics in Other sports played in Honduras are tennis, baseball and American football. Other sports played in Honduras are tennis, baseball and American football.
Average Meals in Honduras Tortillas, then tortillas, and then more tortillas! Every meal in Honduras Consists of tortillas. Tortillas are used and eaten everyday just like bread is in North America. Tortillas, then tortillas, and then more tortillas! Every meal in Honduras Consists of tortillas. Tortillas are used and eaten everyday just like bread is in North America. Beans are the next most important part of the meal. The beans usually used in foods are mostly read and black even though they come in all different colors. Beans are the next most important part of the meal. The beans usually used in foods are mostly read and black even though they come in all different colors. Most dishes in Honduras also include rice. Most dishes in Honduras also include rice. With your meal you will also always get a salad. It will include shredded cabbage, carrot slices, and an oil or vinegar based dressing. With your meal you will also always get a salad. It will include shredded cabbage, carrot slices, and an oil or vinegar based dressing. The average Honduran can not afford meat, fish,or salty white cheese. The average Honduran can not afford meat, fish,or salty white cheese.
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